Grain of the Month: Buckwheat

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College




While we’re featuring buckwheat in our Grain of the Month series, it is actually a fruit seed and is related to rhubarb. However, because buckwheat is often used in replacement of rice, to make porridge, or ground down to a flour to bake with, we felt the series would be incomplete without it. Buckwheat is a very good source of manganese and a good source for dietary fiber. This fiber plus the fact that buckwheat is high in quality protein makes buckwheat a great ingredient that will keep you full for longer. Buckwheat comes in three main forms: buckwheat groats, which are the raw kernels, kasha, which are toasted groats, and buckwheat flour. Buckwheat can be used in savory dishes by substituting it in for rice or adding it to soups to make them more filling. My favorite use for buckwheat is in breakfast foods, especially breakfast bakes and pancakes; some people also like to cook buckwheat as porridge, giving themselves a break from traditional oatmeal. Buckwheat should be stored in a sealed container in a dry, dark place. Since buckwheat is not actually wheat, it is gluten-free!

Basic Cooking Instructions (may differ depending on the type of recipe)
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Stir in 1 cup dry buckwheat and return to a boil. Cover with a lid and bring the heat down to low. Let simmer for about 15min.

Here are some great breakfast recipes that use buckwheat:

This post is a great lead-in to the theme of the month for February: Bringing Back Breakfast.

One Comment

distillery equipment posted on July 27, 2022 at 3:08 am

Good article

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