October 5

The Marsh Spirit

By Marsh Chapel

Matthew 21

Philippians 3

Click here to hear the full service

Click here to hear the sermon only

Praise:  Max Miller


Today:  American Cancer Society Fighting to End Breast Cancer

Classical Music, Methodist Hymnody

Max Miller 2013

Praise:  Psalm 17

Marsh Nave Greetings

Marsh Nave Echoes

Word and Music:  Bible and Hymnal

Vancouver 1983

Out of Poverty: Industry and Frugality

Life Together:  Invitation, Compassion, Vocation, Aspiration


Passion:  Earl Marlatt


Passion for Compassion

Earl Marlatt 1934, Sermon centered curriculum: B,H,S,P theology
First Serving of Faith

Bill Murray

Passion:  Religion and Vengeance in Mt 21

We are not exempt:  Krister Stendahl

Pride, sloth, falsehood, superstition, idolatry, hypocrisy

BU Graduate students take a church

Weddings in Barns

Thanksgiving and Christmas on the Frozen River

George Kirk Marlowe Trout River 1982


Personality:  Susanna Wesley


Should be in a window: 20 Children

Love Divine:  Are We Lovers Anymore?

You are the Gospel others read and hear and see

Personality:  Paul:  Press On

Conversion comes from the heart

L Cohen:  Ring the Bells that still can ring

Marital Benedictions

Communion Liturgy




Marital Benedictions


Good Morning.  Good Morning

Sleep Well?  Not too bad.

Have a good one.  You too.

Be careful.  I will

How was it?  Not bad.

I’m sorry.  Not to worry.

I apologize.  No problem

Please forgive me.  I forgive you.

I don’t understand.  Let me say it another way.

Do you agree?  Not really.

Could we talk about it? We could talk about it.

How much does it cost?  I don’t remember.

Does it hurt?  Not so much.

Do you?  I do.

Will you?  I will.

Do you promise? Yes, I promise.

Thank you.  You’re welcome.

Thanks.  You’re welcome.

I love you.  I love you.

Good night.  Good night.


Marsh Greetings and Echoes


Come Sunday, every Sunday, here at Marsh Chapel:


The Chapel’s gothic nave, built to lift the spirit, welcomes you


The Chapel’s sixty-year history, at the heart of Boston University, welcomes you


The Chapel’s regard for persons and personality, both in its Connick stained glass windows and in its current ministry, welcomes you


The Chapel’s familiar love of music, weekday and Sunday, welcomes you


The Chapel’s congregation of caring, loving souls, in this sanctuary, welcomes you in spirit.



Listen for its echoes…listen…listen to the voices of Boston University and of Marsh Chapel…


All the good you can…


The two so long disjoined…


Heart of the city, service of the city…


Learning, virtue, piety…


Good friends all…


Hope of the world…


Are ye able, still the Master, whispers down eternity…


Common ground…


Content of character…

 – The Rev. Dr. Robert Allan Hill, Dean of Marsh Chapel

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