Peer-reviewed Journal Article
Song S & Heo J. Promoting access to health technologies in the post-pandemic era: Gavi, Global Fund, Unitaid, and Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) programs, J Appropr Technol. 2021; 7(2):216-224. doi:10.37675/jat.2021.7.2.216.
Song S, Kim E, Son S, Lee Y, Chae R, Kim H. A study of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders symptoms of music college students by major instruments. The Korean Journal of Public Health. 2015; 52(2). doi: 10.17262/KJPH.2015.
Manuscripts in Progress
Song S, Pizer S, Lum J, Yee C. Effects of telehealth on turnover and productivity among mental health providers.
Song S, Lum J, Palani S, Barr K, Pizer S, Yee C. Effects of telehealth on patient experience in primary care.
Song S, Sites EP, Thorsness R, Greer M, Pizer S. Primary care workforce guideline in Veterans Health Administration: Population-based econometric models on staffing demand and supply.
Conference Presentation
Domestic Conference
Song S, Legler A, Lum J, Pizer S, Yee C. Effects of telehealth provision on primary care provider labor supply. Oral presentation. Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, San Diego, CA, 2024. [abstract]
Song S, Pizer S, Lum J, Yee C. Association between telehealth provision and provider labor supply. Oral presentation. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2023. [abstract]
Song S, Palani S, Lum J, Barr K, Pizer S, Yee C. Association between virtual care use and patient satisfaction in primary care among Veterans. Poster presentation. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, 2022. [abstract]
Song S. Partnership project to tackle infectious diseases with Gavi, Global Fund, and Unitaid. Oral Presentation. Conference of Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation, Seoul, Korea, 2019.
Song S. Early uptake of Oral Cholera Vaccine in Mozambique. Oral Presentation. Conference of Korea Society of Global Health, Seoul, Korea, 2018.
Song S. Effect of differential cost-sharing of prescription drug on hospital outpatient use and health outcome. Oral presentation. Korea Health Panel Conference, Seoul, Korea, 2015.
Kim J, Song S, & Kim J. Geographic variation in health care utilization to predict physician practice location. Oral presentation. SAS Analytics & Data Mining Championship, Seoul, Korea, 2014.
International Conference
Griffith K, Asfaw D, Song S, Aswani M. Medicaid expansion was associated with longer wait times for specialty care. Oral presentation. International Health Economics Association Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 2023. [abstract]
Technical Report and Brief
Song S, Sadej I, Thorsness R, Palani S, Biko D, Pizer S. VA urgent care delivery: Perspectives from urgent care clinic and emergency department providers. Boston: Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center; 2023 Jun. [link]
Song S, Yoo H, Hwang J. Project evaluation: human resources for health training in the rural Philippines. Sungnam: Korea International Cooperation Agency. 2019.