Get Set Up for Remote Work

Over the last year and a half, working from home has become reality for many people. Most didn’t choose this alternative, it was necessitated by the pandemic, but for some, it is perhaps now here to stay.

Let’s be honest, it’s not for everyone. If you get distracted easily, or enjoy the bustle of a vibrant work environment, you’d have been counting down the days until you could get back to work.

For others, though, remote employment is a dream come true, and now that working from home has become a reality, you may be intending to make it permanent. In that case, or if you’re considering making the switch, let’s take a look at what you’ll need to get set up for the long term, what the advantages are, and how to make sure you maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Get a physical mail handler

Working remotely doesn’t always equate to working from home. An increasing number of people choose the digital nomad lifestyle. They work from a laptop, and have the freedom to change location whenever they feel like it.

In that case, you’ll need an online virtual address that can handle your physical mail for you, no matter where in the world you are. With that taken care of, you’ll know that you appear professional, and that your incoming mail is taken care of.

And even if you are working from home, rather than travelling, you may still want to use such a service, in order that you can have a business address entirely separate from your home address.

Separate your office space

If your home is now doubling as your office for the long-term, then you need to get your workspace properly set up. It’s a great idea to clearly delineate your office from the rest of your home. Make sure it’s quiet, free of distractions, and that it looks and feels like a place of work. That way, you can still ‘go to work’, even if you don’t leave home. As soon as you step into your workspace, your mindset should change: you’re in office mode now, and you can concentrate.

Choose your desk, chair, equipment and furnishings carefully. Make sure they’re all ergonomic and comfortable, but also, that they look professional, and that the space you create is clean and business-like, and stands aside from the rest of your home. When you go through the door into your home office, you should feel like you’re at work, both physically and mentally.

The advantages of working from home

Are there any downsides to working remotely? For some people, yes. The most common complaint is feeling isolated, and missing the social side of work. But you can make up for that, as you’ll actually have more time to do the things you enjoy, including meeting up with friends and colleagues.

And as for the advantages? They’re numerous and, for many people, outweigh any negatives.

First, there’s the time you’ll save. Having no twice-daily commute can result in a time saving of hundreds or thousands of hours per year. Think what you can do and achieve with all that extra opportunity! And not waking up early and grinding through the daily commute also acts to reduce stress. Many people report that they feel less prone to anxiety when working from home.

On top of that, you might save money. Suddenly, you have no commuting costs, a reduced need for expensive business wear, and you can make lunch at home, instead of eating out. There is, however, the requirement to make sure you have all the office equipment you’ll need. How this balances out depends on each individual, so it’s possible that for some people, some of the money you’re going to save gets eaten up in your initial outlay.

Staying healthy

If you’re spending an increased amount of time at home, it’s important that you make sure to maintain your health. You can do this by creating a positive environment and keeping active.

Think about lighting. Do you have a space at home with big windows and natural light? Natural light is best for productivity and an elevated mood, so utilize it if you can. Add plants and greenery to your workspace. These can improve your state of mind, help you to keep calm, and even eliminate air pollution, making sure that you’ll feel fresh, even at the end of the week.

Additionally, get yourself a yoga mat. This might not be what you’d consider standard business advice, but try it and see how you feel. Regular stretching throughout the day is not just good for you physically, it also works to reset your mind, and refocus your concentration, so that you can get more done every day.

You probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable unfurling a yoga mat in the middle of a busy, city center office, but if you’re a remote worker, then take full advantage of your privacy, and integrate short periods of exercise into your working days.

Ultimately, if you have everything planned and set up carefully, then working remotely means you can have optimum productivity, and a healthier work-life balance too.