
  1. What is the worst case time complexity?
     * V is sorted 
     * V.size() = N
     * The function is initially called as searchNumOccurrence(V, k, 0, N-1)
    int searchNumOccurrence(vector<int> &V, int k, int start, int end) {
        if (start > end) return 0;
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (V[mid] < k) return searchNumOccurrence(V, k, mid + 1, end);
        if (V[mid] > k) return searchNumOccurrence(V, k, start, mid - 1);
        return searchNumOccurrence(V, k, start, mid - 1) + 1 + searchNumOccurrence(V, k, mid + 1, end);
    1. O(sqrt N)
    2. O(log N)
    3. O(log^2 N )
    4. O(N)
    5. O(N * log N)
    6. O(N * sqrt N)

    Answer: O(N)

  2. What is the worst case time complexity? Assume R=V.size() and C=V[0].size()
    int findMinPath(vector<vector<int> > V, int r, int c) {
      int R = V.size();
      int C = V[0].size();
      if (r >= R || c >= C) return 100000000; // Infinity
      if (r == R - 1 && c == C - 1) return 0;
      return V[r][c] + min(findMinPath(V, r + 1, c), findMinPath(V, r, c + 1));
    1. O(2^(R + C))
    2. O(R*C)
    3. O(R + C)
    4. O(R*R + C*C)
    5. O(R*C*log(R*C))

    Answer: O(2^(R + C))

  3. What is the worst case time complexity, assuming R=V.size(); C=V[0].size() and V has positive elements.
    int memo[101][101];
    int findMinPath(vector<vector<int> > V, int r, int c) {
      int R = V.size();
      int C = V[0].size();
      if (r >= R || c >= C) return 100000000; // Infinity
      if (r == R - 1 && c == C - 1) return 0;
      if (memo[r][c] != -1) return memo[r][c];
      memo[r][c] =  V[r][c] + min(findMinPath(V, r + 1, c), findMinPath(V, r, c + 1));
      return memo[r][c];


    memset(memo, -1, sizeof(memo));
    findMinPath(V, 0, 0);
    1. O(2^(R + C))
    2. O(R*C)
    3. O(R + C)
    4. O(R*R + C*C)
    5. O(R*C*log(R*C))

    Answer: O(R*C)

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