Math – Reach

You are given a sequence of 2D points in an order that you have to cover them. Every point is represented by 2 digits (x and y coordinate). Compute the distance from the first point to the last point. Movement in all eight directions is allowed (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal). You can test your solution here.


Input X: [0, 1, 1]
Input Y: [0, 1, 2]
Output: 2

The input is [(0,0), (1,1), (1,2)], and the distance from (0,0) to (1,1) is 1, while distance from (1,1) to (1,2) is also 1. The total distance is 2.

Possible Corner Case Inputs

  • Zero length
  • Single point
  • Movement back (negative movement – i.e.: from 1 to 0)
  • Movement only diagonally
  • Any more?



 * Traverse through all points, and return the total distance
 * @return Integer
 * @input X : Integer array corresponding to the X coordinate
 * @input n1 : Integer array's ( X ) length
 * @input Y : Integer array corresponding to the Y coordinate
 * @input n2 : Integer array's ( Y ) length
int coverPoints(int* X, int n1, int* Y, int n2) {
    // TODO: Write your code here


 * Traverse through all points, and return the total distance
 * @return int
 * @input X : int vector corresponding to the X coordinate
 * @input Y : int vector corresponding to the Y coordinate
int coverPoints(vector<int> &X, vector<int> &Y) {
    // TODO: Write your code here


public class reach {
     * Traverse through all points, and return the total distance
     * @return int
     * @input X : ArrayList<Integer> corresponding to the X coordinate
     * @input Y : ArrayList<Integer> corresponding to the Y coordinate
    public int coverPoints(ArrayList<Integer> X, ArrayList<Integer> Y) {
        // TODO: Write your code here


"""Traverse through all points, and return the total distance

    X: list corresponding to the X coordinate
    Y: list corresponding to the Y coordinate
    integer, representing the total distance
def coverPoints(X, Y):
    # TODO: Write your code here

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