Monthly Archives: December 2012


When you think of the word hovering, most people think of a hummingbird because of its flight traits. The hummingbird hawk moth, also known as the Macroglossum Stellatarum has a flight pattern very similar to the hummingbird, which is an excellent hovering animal.

To Fly Or Not to Fly? The Infamous Tale of Bumblebees

Many people have heard the tale of bumblebees not being able to fly. How could this be possible? This little white lie was created without any documentation of who made the calculation and when.

Benefits of Quad-Rotor Electric Craft

Birds capable of hovering has always been a unique and sought out feature that humans have been trying to emulate in our equipment. This hovering capability has finally been successfully captured and implemented with quad-rotor electric craft that have only come out in the past few years in vehicles such as Cyber Technology (WA) Pty […]