Monthly Archives: December 2012

Who have you called?

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the highest court in our Commonwealth, ruled today that the police may search the call history on your cell phone when you are arrested. This is a search allowed without a warrant. The Court left for another day the issue of whether the police need a warrant to read your […]

A Shout-Out for Honesty.

Yesterday’s Boston Globe had a quick shout-out for a very smart young man that did the right thing by acknowledging errors in his previously published paper. Our news are usually filled with bad guys, so I thought I would bring your attention to some positive news on ethics.

Using Data to Evaluate Job Applicants

Big data is everywhere. I am not exactly sure what it is, but I read about it constantly. And it seems that there are a lot of job opportunities in data, so you should probably pay attention. I won’t be looking for a job with a data company any time soon, but I am often […]