About this blog.

The law is interesting to me. I guess that much should be obvious, because I am a lawyer. But I started this blog because I think it is interesting to lots of people. Not only is it useful to understand your rights and obligations, but knowing something about the law will give you a lot to discuss at cocktail parties. Or keg parties, if that is where you are in your life.

Ethics are part of the law, but much more. I define ethics as the skill of making decisions that align with your values. That is a loaded definition: you need to figure out what your values are, you need to figure out how to make decisions, and calling it a skill implies it can be learned. This blog will raise issues and questions that will help you practice that skill, and reflect on your own values. College and the years immediately following are a unique opportunity to figure out what you are all about. Aristotle calls it your telos. The more you read and discuss, the easier it is to define your purpose in life. Think about this now, because in a few years you will be burdened with responsibilities, pressures, and opportunities that will distract you from true reflection.

The only rules of this blog are (1) comment when you have a reaction; sharing is essential; and (2) be respectful; attack the view, not the person.