Category: News

Updates of the Team / Important Messages

Back to School, Back to BU Cycling

WELCOME BACK…errr, almost! While we’re certainly not the most eager to see summer come to an end, we are extremely pumped to kick off another great year of riding and racing. As things at home or at your fancy shmancy summer beach house wind down, there are a couple of dates to mark down on […]

Lux Et Velocitas Race Report

Hello internets! We know this blog has been quite quiet as of late, but our very own Lydia Hausle has taken it upon herself to write a much needed (and very modest) race report for the world to enjoy: So, one day last week Mr. Ben EA pointed out that we have done an atrocious […]

Clothing Orders are DUE NOW!!!!!

Hey everyone, Apparently there was some confusion to when the clothing order was due. Because of this, we will be extending the deadline until next WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2011. THIS IS THE ONLY CHANCE TO GET CLOTHING BEFORE THE RACE SEASON. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS OPPORTUNITY!!!! There will be a collection on: SATURDAY: […]