Category: News

Updates of the Team / Important Messages

Stevens NJ Race Recap!

Thanks to the wacky 14 that came out for an awesome first race weekend! The weekend started off solid with a team stop to a new Mexican restaurant in Hartford CT; El Sarape. While the food was pretty stellar, the team has made the conscious decision that perhaps spicy Mexican food isn’t the best thing […]

Rudy Project and Skratch Labs orders are in!

Thank you so much to our sponsors Rudy Project and Skratch Labs again this year. Thanks to them we’ll stay super hydrated and look super pro with all of our new gear! If you haven’t picked up your orders, contact Dave to set up a time to get them. We’re so lucky to have such fantastic […]

Upcoming News

Hi All! A few awesome quick updates: Our clothing order is expected for delivery on January 15! That means on January 16th everyone is going to think you are a pro cyclist. Our season schedule looks AMAZING Just to name a few highlights: -WE HAVE A CRIT IN FENWAY! Talk about a home advantage. Not […]