Clothing Orders are DUE NOW!!!!!

Hey everyone,

Apparently there was some confusion to when the clothing order was due. Because of this, we will be extending the deadline until next WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2011.


There will be a collection on:


If you can’t make any of these times, email, and we’ll set up a time for you too meet us.


Race Cut Jersey
Bib Shorts
Winter Jacket
Winter Vest
Arm Warmers
Knee Warmers
Winter Booties
Long Sleeve Skinsuit

Sizing is at:

P.S. Show up to spin practice Tuesday, Thursday 8:30-10:30 (don’t let the colder weather get you done). You can also give us your clothing order than too.

Spinning, Riding, and Hub-On-Wheelsing

Item #1:
There will be spin practices both Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-10:30PM.
Show up! Socialize! Sweat!

Item #2:
It's time to actually get those forms and team dues in, so we've set up a
few times to do so:
Tuesday, 5-6PM, FITREC Lobby
Wednesday, 2-6PM, 15 St. Marys, Room 125
Wednesday, 6-7PM, FITREC Lobby
Thursday, 7:30-8:30PM, FITREC Lobby
If you can't make any of those times, contact and we can set up
a time to meet.

Item #3:
Instead of waiting till Friday evening, I'll just throw it out there now:
Team ride on Saturday. You know the drill, 9AM @ Marsh, blah blah blah. If
you haven't shown up yet, what are you waiting for?!?!?

Item #4:
Hub on Wheels is coming up this weekend! If you haven't already decided to
volunteer, now is the time! Free t-shirt! Free socks! Let us
know if you're going to be showing up by emailing!

Item #5:
Get your GU orders in to Alex this week! He worked so hard to set up that
awesome form for you to fill out, it would be a shame if you were to let it
go to waste (and miss such a sweet deal on GU products).

All Dates have been added to the calendar.

Team Meeting Recap

Hey all,

Thanks to everyone that came out to our first team meeting last night, we had an excellent turnout. As a recap for anyone unable to make it, here are the notables:

  • We have sponsorships to help you with everything from buying a GU packet to buying an entire new bicycle. Information will go out regarding orders as it becomes available, but contact if you have any questions
  • In order to take advantage of any deals you must be a dues-paying member of the team ($50 a year for undergrads, $80 for grad students). We will set up a couple collection times, but you can always contact an officer to meet up at another time if need be.
  • This year's clothing sponsor will be ChampSys, but the kit design will remain largely unchanged. More information about the order to come soon.
  • We will be looking into ordering BU Cycling sweats soon, again more info to come later.
  • We have the spin room in FITREC available to us for practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:30PM to 10:30PM. Look to the bottom of the email for more info.

Volunteering Efforts (Come to these! They are fun and help out the team greatly!)

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Day is coming up this Thursday Sept 15th, from 10am-2pm. We are looking for volunteers to help out any time from 9am-2pm. There are always plenty of free give-aways at BPSD, and you would get first dibs on what's available. If you are available at all during that time on Thursday (even just an hour would help) send me an email at and let me know. Myself and a couple other officers will also be there at various points during the day.

Hub on Wheels will take place on Sunday Sept 25, starting at 8am. Every year we send a group of people to help marshal the event, and those that go always have lots of fun. For volunteering you will receive a free ride packet, a free volunteer t-shirt, a free meal (!!!!), the chance to ride the course for free, and likely many other goodies. And as if that's not enough incentive, we will also give you a free pair of our custom BU Cycling socks! Really, we want to get as many people out there as possible. So if you are available to help out that day, send an email to and let us know.

First Spin Practice of the Year

This Thursday we will have our first spin practice of the year! We'll start at 9 and just do a basic spin, everybody is invited. Be sure to bring along some water and maybe an iPod (else you will subjected to my horrible taste in music). This would also be a great time to bring membership dues!

Sorry for the long email. Hope to see you all soon on a ride!

- Preston