Team Meeting

As promised, here’s the email regarding the first team meeting of the year!

We’ll be meeting this Monday the 12th at 7PM in FITREC 222 (upstairs, across from the basketball courts). If you are thinking about joining the team this year you should definitely be in attendance. We’ll be going over absolutely everything you might want to know about the team, as well as filling out forms(!!!!!), paying dues (there will be more opportunities) and getting to meet one another.

Everyone should definitely be in attendance for this as many important things will be discussed. If for some reason you cant make it, let us know and we can fill you in.

Hope to see you all there!

– BU Cycling E-Board


First Teem Ride!

Hey y'all!

Rae was right, there is a reason you don't want to take Saturday van training: GROUP RIDES!! The first of which will be happening this weekend! Ahhhh!!!

Saturday and Sunday at 9AM

We will meet at Marsh Chapel and head out to Concord (and of course stop there for coffee and croissants).

How Fast?
Not! This is a no-drop ride, meaning we aren't going to leave anyone behind. Think this, not this. For those of you that want something more concrete than that, ~15mph is a good guesstimate.

What Should I Bring?
A bike. Duh! A helmet. DUH!!! And some food & water (apples, bananas, Cliff Bars, GUs and the like make great mid-ride snacks).

The weather should be beautiful, so there's no excuse not ride (unless you're keeping Leandra company in which case you're awesome and should come out on Sunday).

In other news, the first team meeting is scheduled tentatively for the evening of Monday the 12th. An email with the exact time and location will be sent out as soon as we have it settled, but for now pencil it in your calendars. We'll be covering everything from riding to racing to sponsors and everything else that you might want to know.

3 days of straight cycling?!? Sounds like it's going to be a good weekend.

See y'all on Saturday!

- Preston

Summer Clear Out!

Hey all,

With the previous semester and ECCC season long gone, we here at BU Cycling have finally had a little time to take stock of all the little bits and pieces of cycling clothing we have left over from previous years. Bibs, jerseys, arm warmers, sock, caps, the lot. And we've decided to try to sell it all off (some of it at super discounts!) this summer to create some room in the team locker and raise some money for the coming season.

So, in an attempt to be brief but informative, here are the key points:

1.) All of the old clothing has been discounted, for members and non-members

2.) All of the clothing is new (never been worn)

3.) Most of it is Hincapie (sizing can be found here) with the same basic design shown on our website,

4.) We also have some left-over socks, sweats, and cycling caps for those interested

5.) Although we have many items our size selection may be limited, so be sure to inquire sooner rather than later to get an item in your size!

If you think you'd be interested in purchasing some clothing, and would like to inquire about availability/pricing, send us an email at with the subject "Summer Clothing Sale", and we'll let you know if we have what you're looking for. In the event we don't have exactly the right item or size, we will be sure let you know when we place our next clothing order in October (but we won't be able to guarantee the same prices, so better to check now!).

In the meantime, be sure to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Hope y'all are enjoying summer as much as we are!

BU Cycling Club eBoard