Want to help out BU Cycling?

You have stumbled upon our website and are now wondering, “How can I help out this team?”

If you have a product you think may be helpful to us and are interested in starting a sponsorship with Boston University Cycling, please email bike@bu.edu with any and all information. We will handle your email ASAP.

If you do not have a product to offer but would like to help out, you could make a financial contribution to the team (no matter how small!) by please clicking here. This will take you to our Alumni page where you can donate to Boston University Cycling. If you are not an Alumni (or any of the other already listed affiliates) please select other and put Friend. Please make sure to select the account Friends of Club Sports: for Cycling (3222-3).

If you would like to send a check, instead of donating online, here is the information on how to proceed. Please list “for BU Cycling” in the memo.

These procedures may be changing as of July 1, 2011, with the new fiscal year. Please check back after July 1 for more information on how to donate if you have by then.

Any questions, please contact Bike@bu.edu.

Thank you! Your generous support will help our team grow and compete at the highest level.

PERD Helps Us Out

Hey Team,

As the Fiscal Year closes throughout the University, $$$ needs to be spent or lost. Due to this fact, PERD offered and has purchased the Cycling Team FOUR, yes FOUR!!!!, CycleOps Wind Trainers.

What does this mean for the Team? Well, it means that members no longer need to bring their own trainers and have them get beat up. Now, no one had any issue sharing their trainer, but the race weekends do take a toll on them.

Look forward to other changes with in the team to help us improve and expand!!!


2011-2012 E-Board Results

Hello Team,

The results for the 2011-2012 E-Board are in!
And... (drum role please) the E-Board is:

President: Preston Buehrer
Vice President: William “BJ” Lally
Treasurer: Conor Walsh
Secretary: Robert Winnett
Sponsorship Coordinator: Alex Su
Men’s Road Captain: Ian Schon
Women’s Road Captain: Raeanne “Rae” Napoleon

Now if you are like “I did not vote” well... you didn’t! The reason for this is, every single position only had one person running for it. Since everyone was unopposed, we deemed that sending out a voting email was no needed. Hope to see you all out on your bikes and next season!!

2010-2011 E-Board