Clothing Order Is Here!!!!!!

The Clothing order has finally arrived.

There is a pick up time Monday May 9th from 10 – 11:50 am down by the ProShop in FitRec.

If you can not make it, please email and we can work something out!


Our last race and you missed it!

So. Here's what you missed when we raced out bikes at the Wells Ave training crit.

First, Leandra and Noor did the Women's D race at 8:30 AM. Both stuck with it and had respectable finishes!  I am looking forward to seeing Leandra and Noor continue racing this summer and next year.

Myself, John "Dos" Kavouris, John "The Praying Mantis" Prata, Michael "Always On time" Robichaud, and Alex "The Bull" Su all did the C race...AND IT WAS AWESOME! John (non-Dos John) had an unfortunate bar-entanglement about half way through the race (not John's fault...Cat 5 racers!) but didn't go down. I kept yelling at everyone (but Hey! What else is new?!) in the peloton because no one (except the BU racers) could hold a line or pull -through or shave their legs. Maybe they all should of started in collegiate-intros, eh? We all finished with the pack (welllll, okay, so there was some confusing car-in-the-field-final-bell-didn't-mean-last-lap-non-sense and I couldn't sprint with the field the last 250 m thanks to my weak-girl-legs (and yes, those are totally my legs!)) but let's just go with 'we all finished with the pack!'

No one did the "Killer Bs"-race.

"Uncle Craig" Keasler, Natan "I like blondes" Kupperstock, Preston "P. Diddy" Buehrer, and Matt "That's Dr. to you, sucker" Griswold did the A race. They raced the hell out of that race, baby! Matt showed up in this weird black and green kit instead of his BU kit...he looked really cool but it confused us BU riders...and Natan showed up in a BU kit...he looked AWESOME but it confused the other riders in the OTHER black and green kit. Natan was missing a little something for his kit though, so I gave him a going away present. And Craig showed up with these ridiculously large legs...and Preston showed up in doper glasses. Everyone of our boys, no matter the kit, toned, tanned, fit, and ready.

So, you probably want to know about the race! So these two guys went off the front. They had this annoying 45 second gap on the field...whatever. From what I can tell, all of our guys were watching Justin "Spinmo" Spinelli (I'll let you google him) and Chris "Bailey" Bailey control the field. Every time Chris made a move and hammered at the front, Justin followed, and so did Uncle Craig and crew. Then sometimes Matt would hammer at the front and similar things would happen. Once during the race, Matt stuck his tongue out at me and a few laps later Natan did the same thing. From what I could tell, these events had no effect on the outcome of the race. The field sprint: Sam "Semi-Pro" Rozenholtz got third, and our Uncle Craig got 4th! That's right: 4th! Everyone had a respectable front-of-the-pack-finish. After the race, I gave each of our boys a yellow-duck-peep for doing such a good job.

So. That's what you missed! Hope to see you out there this summer!

Rae "Rae-Rae" Napoleon

Congratulations to John Prata for winning the Men’s D Road Race at UNH!! We are so proud of you!