Rules for Pack Riding

Hey Guys,
So it has been brought to my attention that I need to go over some of the rules of pack riding.

1.) When riding in a pack, ride two abreast, no more.

2.) When you hear “car back,” get into a single file line. Cars are bigger and drivers are not always nice. Keep that in mind.

3.) Keep the pack together. Riders in the front need to slow down if the group gets strung out. These first rides are about learning and team bonding, there is plenty of time for hammerfests later.
New riders, if are falling behind, fight to keep up. Staying with the group means less work because you are drafting.
NOTE: If you are getting tired, move to the back of the pack and try to stay on. When you get tired, your form is the first thing to go and we want to avoid crashes.

4.) Always use hand signals and call out turns. (Point and yell “Right turn” or “Left Turn” etc)

5.) Point out all holes and when slowing, use hand signals and yell “Slowing” or “Stopping”

6.) If a gap does form, wait at the bottom of the hill, the next turn or intersection. Nothing is worse than getting dropped and not knowing where you are.

7.) Try to have an experienced rider(s) bring up the rear. This lets us know we are all together.
Remember we represent BU and we need to keep our image up at all times.