Graduation (2019 ed.)

This year, we bid farewell (and good luck) to several more of our riders who have had a massive role in shaping our team over the past couple of years…

  • Carlo Quicho (Queso): BU Cycling of these past two seasons wouldn’t be on the map without Carlo, who was always eager to throw down in the A’s. His videos re-capping the race weekends were always a joy to watch, and it turns out he will be continuing making videos at GCN!
  • Haiyun Xu: Our resident D’s rider, is at every practice, every ride, and every race. He’s a long-time member of the team and always a joy to ride with. Good luck Haiyun!
  • Kaito Niwa: He actually hasn’t graduated yet as he has two more classes over the summer to complete his BS-MS, but it still stands that he will be leaving us after this season. Maybe he’ll be back for a PhD? In any case, we wish him good luck as well!

2019 Weekend 3 Race Recap: L’Enfer du Nord in Dartmouth, NH and Middlebury, VT

Our third weekend of the season took us up to New Hampshire and Vermont for some ITT, RR, and criterium action.

The morning at Dartmouth started off with a chilly ITT (individual time trial). Racers headed up a short climb then conquered rolling terrain for a roughly 3 mile time trial. Notable results from this effort include sophomore Isabella finishing 3rd in the Women's D field.

The ITT was soon followed by the Frat Row Criterium--everyone's favorite! Things kicked off with the Men's C field. Yumeto and Arun worked perfectly together, with Yumeto being solo off the front for more than half the race, at one point holding a 45 second lead on the field. He eventually took the win after a solo attack with two laps to go, earning his upgrade to Men's B.

In Men's D, Jack raced his second ever criterium, placing 9th out of 76 riders! After moves went up the road and came back, Jack found himself in the race-winning breakaway

The Women's D race followed, with Isabella and Sara in the field. An early breakaway saw Isabella and two other riders from Dartmouth and Wentworth go off the front--and not come back for the rest of the race. The three riders went on to sprint for first at the finish, with Isabella coming first across the line, for her first ever win!

The Men's A race saw David place 5th. The hour and a bit of racing saw many attempted breaks, dozens of attacks, and a couple of riders shelled out the back. David, like the brainiac he is, played it smart and stayed hidden in the field, only coming out for the sprint.

The next day we drove up early in the morning for some road race action in Middlebury. Notable finishes from the race day include Isabella and Sara breaking the top 5 in the Women's C field, placing 2nd and 5th, respectively. Go Terriers!



Lean that bike over David! (on his way to 5th)

Isabella on her way to a big W in the Women's D field.

2019 Weekend 2 Race Recap: Chris Hind’s “Sunshine” Criterium in Charlestown, RI

Sometimes we don’t make it to the ECCC weekends. The rising costs of racing and housing, as well as time constraints, means that we race locally. 
Local means we get to experience a more diverse field with a different talent pool than the collegiate racing. 
They are perhaps one of the most enjoyable experiences for our racers--it's basically a big family reunion. Since BU alumni usually stay in the northeast, it means our racers get valuable time on and off the circuit with more experienced alumni.

Even better, our alumni do well. Very well. Take the Women’s 4/5 race, for example, we had Sara and Isabella in the pack, but we saw Anna '18 solo to the finish line, followed by Tanya '17 and Jessica '16 occupying other spots on the podium from a breakaway.

In the Men’s 4's, we saw alums Ryan '17 and Roddy '17 throw watts down alongside current riders Anthony, Arun, and Yumeto, who eventually sprinted for 2nd place. Eric '18 joined the crew for the Men's 3/4 race, along with current racer David. David eventually contested the field sprint for third place! We miss our friends from the ECCC scene on some weeks, but we’re spoiled with the support from the cycling community in the northeast.

Donate to BU Cycling tomorrow for #BUGivingDay You don’t have to be a racer to be a part of our community! Every dollar counts as we make our way through our season!


Alumni Ryan, Eric, and Roddy gather around our current racers as they recap the Men's 3/4 Race.

Alumni Tanya, Jess, and Anna working the break in the Women's 4/5! (The break sticks!)


Yumeto placed 2nd in the Men's 4 race!