Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’

Hey team, alumni, and friends-

Hope everyone is enjoying this awesome weather before the winter descends on us (I hear it’s going to be like last year! Brrrr).

New England is the absolute best place to be riding at this time of year, because you get to see all of the great changing colors.

This past weekend was our first 50 mile Concord route, which is one of our favorites. It’s a bit longer, more challenging, with some good climbs.

For all those who don’t have the opportunity to join us on the group ride or don’t want to be stuck behind the ride leader the whole time when there’s so many town lines to sprint for—

Here’s a map and route guide! If you have a Garmin, including the 500, you can download it and put it on there to follow on your ride. If not, you can study some of the major turns and intersections on your own and jot them down on a cue sheet, which can be taped onto your top tube (just like how the pros do it).

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Here is the TCX file download if you would like to add it to your Garmin or GPS!



Now, go out and explore!

Love, BU Cycling

Announcements! 9/10/2015

We will be holding our fall information meeting next Thursday, September 17th, at 8pm! It is being held in Fitrec 222 (second floor of fitrec, follow the hallway to the end).
If you are interested in joining the club, knowing more about riding, or even racing with us in the spring, we will see you there! Everyone is welcome.
We will be talking a bit about dues, racing schedules, sponsorship deals, and kits!
Veterans, we hope to also see you there, as we will be having FIT KITS to try on that night as well! If you are interested in ordering new BU Cycling kits for the spring season, come try these kits on so you know your sizing for the order. (wowza what good scheduling, am i rite?)
Ah yes, the good ol' 2 hours of "procrastination", "working out", or just being silly with friends. Whatever you consider it,..
Spin Practices are resuming, beginning TONIGHT (9/10/15) at 8:30pm! Fitrec L131 (lower level). They will continue every week, each Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-10:30pm, unless otherwise stated.
We welcome all members, as well as those simply interested in knowing more about the team. We will be playing some of your favorite music and getting to know each other, with the occasional "pain cave" lead by Eric, our spin leader! Come on by to get those legs moving!
- water
- sneakers
- fun facts
Keep an eye out for a couple more very important announcements and events coming soon!
In the meantime, go check out our Twitter, Facebook, and Blog if you'd like to stay up-to-date!
If you have absolutely any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either myself ( or Peter Daniels (, as well as the other officers.
BU Cycling

Meet our 2015/2016 Officers!

New school year, new officers. Take some time to get to know our team leaders, and don't hesitate to contact us or say hi to us on campus!


Tanya Boulanova

Junior ('17), SAR

Bio: My need for speed made me fall in love with cycling. I started as a freshman on the team, and quickly became dedicated to get dem quads

Other hobbies: Art, telling geeky science jokes, sleeping, doing physics in my sleep.

Years riding: 2

Job: I am the Co-President alongside Pete, doing everything from organizing trips and races to making sure everyone has a sweet kit and place on the team. #teammom




Peter Daniels

Junior ('17), CAS

Bio: Science nerd, biology major,... I got into cycling a while back and spent many years riding with a local club. I discovered the team freshman year and couldn't get enough of the adrenaline rush from racing collegiate!

Other hobbies: Cooking, reading, sailing, doing organic chemistry..

Years Riding: 5.5

Job: Sharing responsibilities with Tanya as Co-President, I do half of everything that there is!



Babatunde Alford (aka Tunde)

Junior ('17), CAS

Bio: I started off doing a couple of 10 mile rides a week in California before I came to BU, thinking that was a lot. Since I've joined the team I now do 30 mile rides without too much trouble at all. My small interest in afternoon rides slowly turned into a love cycling and passion for bikes. I strive to improve my own skills while helping my teammates, and learning from them along the way. This team promotes the love of cycling and is open to anyone willing to continue their intrest. If you love bikes, there's a place for you here.

Other hobbies: Exploring the City, Eating good food, long walks on the beach, spending time in nature, finding new tv shows and movies.

Years Riding: 1.5


Corey Halbert

Junior ('17), CFA

Bio: I'm a big fan of the outdoors. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, cycling is a big part of my life.

Other hobbies: Rock climbing, hiking, skateboarding

Years Riding: About two years in collegiate cycling

Job:  I'm the Road Captain! Ill be leading our weekend road rides, teaching basic skills and giving tips.




Allen Zhu

Sophomore ('18), SAR

Bio: I want to get more people enjoy cycling.

Other hobbies: basketball and soccer!

Years Riding: 4

Job: As a treasurer, I am the one to record all monetary output and input.



Jess He

Super Senior, CAS

Years riding: 1.5

Bio: Studies have shown that riding a bicycle every day makes you more awesome than the general population. I used to row for BU and picked up cycling shortly after and loved it ever since!

Other hobbies: eating, bothering my dog, running, reading and being lazy after a long day!

Job: As a secretary of this team, my main focus will be keeping team members informed about weekly rides/events and any recent updates, as well as maintaining social media platforms.Joining the cycling team will be one of the best decisions you make at BU! We are a group of dedicated athletes who also know have to have fun!





Eric Loehle

Sophomore ('18), ENG

Years riding: 1

Job: making sure everyone bikes faster than MIT. (Also leading indoor spin workouts every Tuesday and Thursday night. Watch out folks, he gives a killer workout).

Bio: Not much is known about Eric, but the legend grows every day.