Hope everyone is having a great start to the new school year! Meanwhile, we’re preparing for all you new incoming students!

See you THIS SATURDAY (9/5) at SPLASH on Nickerson Field, from 12-3. Come say hi, sign up for our email list, and watch us do a roll-a-thon!

If your legs are feeling fresh, come join us for our FIRST GROUP RIDE this SUNDAY (9/6), leaving from Marsh Plaza at 9am. Be there early so you can meet some of our awesome team members before we head out for a no-drop 30 mile ride to Dover.

Helmets required; road bikes, snacks, and water are recommended.

See you soon!


Meanwhile, Go check out our Twitter and Facebook!

Love, BU Cycling

Stevens NJ Race Recap!

Thanks to the wacky 14 that came out for an awesome first race weekend! The weekend started off solid with a team stop to a new Mexican restaurant in Hartford CT; El Sarape. While the food was pretty stellar, the team has made the conscious decision that perhaps spicy Mexican food isn't the best thing the night before races.

When we arrived to the wonderful residence of VP Tess Timmes, we were greeted by tables full of cookies, fruit up to the ceiling, and the saltiest and bestest cashews known to man, EVER.

The Timmes parents have been officially declared the coolest parents east of California (only because it's really hard to beat Adam's parents since... well... the birthed Adam). Between feeding us more food than we could even eat (hard to believe for 14 cyclists), then feeding us even more food past that point, copious amounts of coffee for Jarvis, eggs on eggs on eggs on chicken and pesto, and not to forget the new team puppy, Putter, it was hard to imagine a weekend could get much better! But on top of all of that the Timmes parents were unbelievably friendly and accommodating to such a large group of odd people with shaved legs!

How about some race results??

Although the courses weren't in optimal shape from a rough winter, the BU squad had some really solid performance from everyone, especially from all our new racers for their first time racing in a big pack!

As a team we are now ranked 12/32, thats pretty impressive!

TTT Results:

Men's A-  Representing the back of the pack (last place is still a place!) due to two heavy mechanical faults. Only up to go from there!

Men's C-  With two newbies, Peter and Matt, veteran Nick helped lead the team to a solid 10/14.

Women's B-  Killer performance against some hard competition by the girls with two veteran riders, Anne and Tess, and the strong help from Natalie bringing the team into 4th.

Women's D-  Putting the pain down on the crowds, Steph and Anna brought home a great race!

RR Results:

Men's A-   Adam came in 26/42 like a champ, Ben hung on for a good portion of an extremely fast race and ended up around 30th, I got my sports mixed up and tried to ride my bike downhill on snow... turns out bikes don't do that well.

Men's B-  Jarvis' wheel literally exploded on a pothole.

Men's C-  Nick killed it and got 14th in a big field, Steve fought hard for a finish not far off the main pack.

Men's D-  Matt and Peter both did great on the learning curve of their first races with 21st and 26th out of a field of nearly 50.

Women's B-  Anne, racing against some ladies who could kick my butt, got 10th for her field.

Women's C-  Natalie took onto a breakaway pack and showed them that she's got some serious watts in those legs with a 2nd place finish followed by Tess who just missed the breakaway and came in at 18th.

Women's D-  Steph and Anna worked together and came in for a sprint finish for 2nd and 3rd followed closely by Tanya just behind a pack from the final climb.

Circuit Results:

Men's A-  Adam raced brave on a scary course, took risks and managed to hand in there for 21/40 of some of the fastest men ever. Ben raced until his legs couldn't go and battled it hard.

Men's C-  Nick raced aggressively and proved he is ready to make the move to the B's with a 12th place finish. Steve's show broke and nearly fell off, and he discovered that although he may be jacked, using only his left leg isn't as good as everyone else using both of theirs.

Men's D-  Matt killed it with a great 6th place finish followed by a beautiful collapse into a snow bank after the race to cool down. Peter improved huge on his tactics from the day before and moved up to almost break the top 20!

Women's B-  Anne reached her goals and broke into the top 10 with an 8th place finish along with a good friend of hers from Harvard.

Women's C-  Natalie used her power to pedal away from everyone on a solo break for a few laps, only to get caught with a few to go for 2nd place, followed by Tess who barely missed the top ten in her efforts to catch the break.

Women's D-  Anna, Steph, and Tanya tried some team tactics with a strong attack by Tanya right off the line that helped to stretch the field. The girls came in 2nd, 3rd, and 6th respectively.

Way to go kids, keep it up for next weekend!


Until next time,


P.s. Don't ride your bike into snow banks.

Rudy Project and Skratch Labs orders are in!

Thank you so much to our sponsors Rudy Project and Skratch Labs again this year. Thanks to them we'll stay super hydrated and look super pro with all of our new gear! If you haven't picked up your orders, contact Dave to set up a time to get them. We're so lucky to have such fantastic sponsors and now we can look forward to a great season. Thanks!

Skratch Order 2014 IMG_9261