Bats: A New Evolutionary Breed & A New Kind of Flight

The supposed link to the evolution of bats. It was not a very advanced flyer by today's comparison.

The evolution of bats, even with ever-emerging research and fossil records, remains a mysterious one. Most evolution scientists agree that bats must have evolved from mammals, but unfortunately they can not find strong enough evidence as to which common ancestor bats splintered off from.

Scientists now theorize that bats, the only mammal known to have developed flight, evolved from small rodent-like animals, which now include rats, etc.

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Dragonflies, the mystical insect

Before the age of the internet, computer games, and gaming consoles, kids would play outdoors. When I lived in China as a child, I remember trying to catch dragonflies with my friends; it was impossibly difficult. We would run around in the fields and spend hours in vain trying to catch these elusive insects.

As it turns out, dragonflies have four wings instead of the conventional two wings that other flying animals have. These wings allow the dragonfly to hover and accelerate in any direction they wish. They can fly up, down, forwards, and even backwards. This makes them highly maneuverable, as I had the first hand account of experiencing. Each wing has its own muscles allowing each individual wing to change its stroke frequency, amplitude, phase, and angle of attack. The front wings beat down while the back wings make an upbeat. The wings can lock horizontally, a function the dragonfly uses when it glides or rests.

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The Pigeon Post

This is Hedwig with Harry Potter

Have you ever watched Harry Potter and thought to yourself, is it really possible to deliver messages by attaching a message to an owl?  You bet it is!  Except not the owl part.  Pigeon posts, believe it or not, have been in use for over 3,000 years, beginning with the Egyptians and Persians and are still in use today to provide emergency communication services following natural disasters.  However, not just any old ordinary pigeon is fit to deliver messages.  Pigeons are the oldest domesticated bird.  Humans have selectively bred a certain variety of domestic pigeon to find its way home over extremely long distances, called homing pigeons.

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The Locust Swarm – A Threat To The Global Economy

Your typical locust

We have all heard the infamous story from Exodus in the Bible were the Egyptians suffered ten plagues, each deadlier than the last. The eighth plague condemned to them was a swarm of locust so large that it prevented the Sun’s rays from passing through. Yet today many questions arise concerning swarms, not only of ancient times but of the future. Like all studies that delve into new concepts, we must start at the very beginning and work our way up to the more difficult questions of “why?” Before we discuss the entire swarm, we must look to each member and understand them individually.

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Archaeopteryx – First Bird or Transitional Species?

The archaeopteryx was long considered to be the transitional form the between reptiles and birds—the evolutionary link between non-avian dinosaurs and birds.

File:Archaeopteryx lithographica (Berlin specimen).jpg

An early fossil of the archaeopteryx

First discovered in 1861 immediately after the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, this ancient species—about 150 million years old—had teeth, a flat sternum, a long, bony tail, gastralia, and three claws on each wing, characteristics no modern birds has. However, the archaeopteryx also had feathers, wings, furcula, and reduced fingers—all characteristics shared with modern birds. These characteristics, shared fairly evenly amongst non-avian dinosaurs and modern birds, led many scientists, even to this day, to believe that the archaeopteryx was the “missing link” between reptiles and birds.

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Pelecanus Onocrotalus – Great White Pelican

Note the flying style. (Accredited to

The Great White Pelican is indeed one of the most interesting birds in the avian species. It is capable of the feats of multiple birds, such as extended flight, and even swimming. However, the characteristic that makes this bird unique is the fact that it has a "gular pouch" within it's beak. However, before I talk about the pouch, I'd like to talk about the flight of the Pelican.

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The Shape Factor

Birds and flying insects in nature come in different sizes and shapes. We know that there exists minimum and maximum sizes for flight, but what makes a bird or an airplane an efficient flyer? Is there a wing that is perfect for all tasks? Can we borrow some ideas from nature to improve our aircraft?

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Welcome to Bio-Aerial Locomotion

This is the blog of the engineering freshman seminar course titled "Bio-Aerial Locomotion", taught by Prof. Lorena Barba at Boston University. This course is one of several options of the Introduction to Engineering series (EK 131/132) at the College of Engineering.

The course aims to motivate the subject of bio-inspired engineering, characterized by seeking examples in the biological world of the desired function in the engineered creation. In particular, we seek examples of aerial locomotion in the forms of: falling, parachuting, gliding and flying.

Why "bio-aerial locomotion"?

"Aerial locomotion" is the term most often used to refer to the self-generated movements of any animal through the air. I've added the prefix "bio-" simply to be more explicit that we are focusing on the solutions that Nature has found to maneuver in the air medium.

flying creatures

In Nature, flight has evolved four times: insects, pterosaurs, birds and bats. (Images from various online sources.)

Human-designed flying devices are barely over 100 years old, which is short in historical terms, but minuscule in evolutionary terms. In Nature, flight has evolved very efficiently (much more efficiently than in engineered flight) at least four times: in insects, pterosaurs, birds and bats.

Fossil records allow a detailed study of the evolution of flight. We know that many and diverse adaptations have allowed organisms to overcome weaknesses or take advantage of good physiological traits. For example: size matters¹. A very small flying animal will need to flap its wings a lot faster than a larger one. You'll think immediately of the hummingbird. Also, the resistance of moving through the air becomes ever more difficult for tiny organisms. So there is in fact a minimum effective size for flight. On the other end, large animals will have difficulty creating enough power to fly, and the largest bird ever to have flown (Argentavis magnificens) was about 70 kg in mass. Recent research has determined that it could not have taken off without either jumping from a high point or running downhill.²

But in addition to powered flight, many biological organisms have evolved forms of passive flight and ways to maneuver in the air. When falling, geckos are able to right themselves turning their body in mid-air, and always land safely on their feet. Some species of snakes can glide to the ground while slithering their body to adjust their shape; and samaras (winged seeds like the maple seed) slow their descent as they spin, so the wind will take them farther aiding dispersal of the tree species.

In this course, we will discuss a selection of interesting cases in Nature of: falling, parachuting, gliding, flying & soaring. Parachuting and gliding can be thought of as flying without any power; the only difference between the two is the angle of the flight path. By "parachuting", we mean falling with the aid of an aerodynamic braking effect, reducing the rate of descent. To be precise in the distinction with "gliding", parachuting is defined as having a trajectory of more than 45° from the horizontal. Flying squirrels, for example, really glide: they can achieve trajectories at an angle of about 27º from the horizontal (a 2:1 glide ratio).

The various examples from Nature on staying aloft and maneuvering through the air are inspiring engineers today to design new devices, such as micro-air vehicles and robots. In this course, we'll glimpse at the modern activity of bio-inspired engineering in fields like aeronautics and robotics.


¹ "The nature of flight. The molecules and mechanics of flight in animals", Philip Hunter, EMBO reports (2007), Vol. 8: 811–813.

² "The aerodynamics of Argentavis, the world's largest flying bird from the Miocene of Argentina", S Chatterjee, RJ templin, KE Campbell Jr., PNAS (2005), Vol. 104: 12398–12403.