Photo: Nicogenin (Nicolas Genin) at flickr from 66ème Festival du Cinéma de Venise (Mostra) Wikimedia Commons.
This morning, Julianne Moore (CFA ’83) spoke to students in the School of Theatre about her life and career. I was impressed by how warm and genuine she was and I appreciate her graciously taking time to be with our students. The event was hosted by Professor Michael Kaye.
Ms. Moore has achieved success by constantly improvising, adapting, and stretching her range. Because she has such range, a myriad of roles are offered to her from soap operas to independent films. She encouraged students to be resilient and to “do it all,” by playing a variety of roles in film, TV and the stage. As she said, there is no clear path. Graduates must create their own opportunities and be willing to change their expectations. “This is your life, don’t wait for something to happen.”
We believe in giving students intensive training in a wide variety of areas so they, too, can develop the range to be successful in numerous roles and venues. Julianne Moore is a great example of this kind of actor.

Photo: Albert Domasin. Wikimedia Commons Public Domain.
Meeting Ms. Moore reminded me of my meeting with Michael Chiklis (CFA’ 86) in December. He was most gracious and is an enthusiastic supporter of the College of Fine Arts.