Category: Uncategorized

René Laennec: Flutist, Stethoscope Inventer

French doctor René Laennec (1781-1826) had a sensitive ear; as a flutist he knew how to listen. In 1816, he came upon an idea that would help him to hear the internal sounds of the body.  He rolled up sheets of paper into a cylinder and pressed one end to a patient’s abdomen and the […]

Medical Students Improve Diagnostic Ability By Looking at Art

McLean’s, the Canadian current affairs magazine, has an interesting article on the value of art history courses for medical students.  One study showed a 38% improvement in diagnostic ability for a group of Harvard medical students who had completed an art history course. “Out of the Hospital and Into the Museum”

Science Must Embrace Art Says John Maeda

John Maeda, best known for his work on the computer game Second Life as well as his book, The Laws of Simplicity, makes the case for a smaller distinction between science and art in this November 14, article from The Guardian. John Maeda: Innovation is born when art meets science

Artistic Success: Inspiration or Perspiration?

Talent without effort yields nothing but what happens when exhaustive effort is applied without benefit of talent? The Wall Street Journal takes a look at this age-old question.  (In the meantime, keep working.) No You Can’t: Is Genius a Simple Matter of Hard Work? Not a Chance

This Just In

I am at this moment visiting the new Art of the America’s Wing at the Museum of Fine Arts.   The building is magnificent.  Famed Architect Lord Norman Foster’s characteristic eye for detail is evident throughout.  This is a huge achievement for the Museum and for the City of Boston. In his remarks, Congressman Michael Capuano […]

HD Technology and Movie Theatre Broadcasts Deliver Concerts In New Way

Aside from moving indoors, we experience musical and theatrical productions in mostly the same way the Romans did. How productions are delivered is a hot topic as movie broadcasts of operas and concerts sprout up  around the country in cineplexes and even on outdoor screens. On November 8, the New York Times examined this trend.

Leipzig Philharmonic Orchestra

I attended a concert  by the Leipzig Philharmonic Orchestra at the Tsai Center here at BU last night.  The German student orchestra delivered a rich and colorful performance.  It was also interesting to see the (BU) debut of Yamaha’s new grand piano.

Photographic Resource Center’s 35th Anniversary Gala

Yesterday, I attended a gala celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Photographic Resource Center (PRC).  Work by photographers such as Abilardo Morell and Ansel Adams was offered for sale in support of the PRC. Everyone who is interested in photography on our campus and around Boston should know about this institution which resides just across […]

MFA Art of the Americas Wing Opens November 20

I look forward to attending the opening of the Art of the Americas Wing at the Museum of Fine Arts next Friday.  It will open to the public beginning November 20.

Greetings from Dean Benjamín Juárez

Welcome As I have settled in on Commonwealth Avenue in the past few months, I have met many students, faculty, alumni, staff, and fellow members of arts organizations around Boston, and well beyond. This is a way for us to stay in touch.  If I have not yet met you, we can use this blog […]