Cross Training for Dancers

Since this week we are focusing on Fall Fitness, we thought it would be great to share some tips on cross-training for dancers. Dancers often shy away from cross-training, afraid of either bulking up or injuring themselves, but adding the right type of weight and cardio training can help build endurance, strength, and cardio.

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Weight Training

While traditionally male dancers do the lifting in dance, it is important for all dancers to increase their arm strength. Leg strength also will augment explosive power, helping you to jump higher and faster. Core strength is a must for all dancers, and these exercises approach it differently than most dance classes, helping to increase and round-out dancers’ strength.

Close-Grip Bench Press: This arm and chest exercise is shoulder-friendly, meaning there is less risk of injuring your shoulders when performing the exercise. Start by lying down on a bench, holding a bar (you can use however much weight you feel is right for you) with your hands about six inches apart. Push the bar up from your chest to straighten your arms then lower. (


TRX Row: This exercise uses TRX bands and works your arms, torso, and core. Start by holding the bands and walking your feet forwards to lean back into a plank. Then lift your torso up to meet your hands. (


Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell swings are a great way to strengthen your legs and core. Start with a kettlebell on the ground with your legs more than a hip-width apart. Then bend your knees to hold the kettlebell, and using your abs and legs, swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height.




Going for a run is often both daunting and painful for dancers. A good alternative is the elliptical, which has a lower impact than running.


Burpees are also a great way to improve your cardio and strengthen your core, arms, and legs. To do a burpee, begin by jumping with your arms above your head, then jump into a push-up plank. Do a push-up, then jump back up to standing. Once you’ve mastered the basic version of a burpee, you can always modify them to combine other exercises, such as pull ups or kettlebell swings.


You can read more here about how many of these exercises you should do. Ultimately, it comes down to your goals and your body. Of course, it is essential to listen to your body when cross-training. If something is too intense, or hurts, stop. Cross-training can be an amazing way to build strength and work in internal rotation for dancers, so try out these exercises or research more that meet your Fall Fitness goals!



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