Stress-Less Stretches


It’s that time of year again: midterms! And what better way to prepare than with a de-stressing post on the BU Dance Blog?


Today, we’re bringing you a series of “Stress-Less Stretches” you can do to not only build flexibility for dance class, but also to wind down and chill out after the stress of exams! So, take a break from studying with BU Dance and read on to check out our Stress-Less Stretches.


Cat-Cow Pose

cat cow

This yoga-inspired move will help you stretch out a sore back and shoulders – one of the places many of us carry tension after staring down at a laptop or textbook all day! Beginning in a tabletop pose with your knees hip’s width distance apart on a mat or carpeted floor, slowly arch your lower back and sink your hips back to look up at the ceiling. Take a deep breath in, and on an exhale, slowly round your back and look downwards, creating a curve in your spine. Repeat until you feel your back and shoulders begin to release.


Down-to-Up Dog


Dynamic stretches are one of the best ways to get your blood pumping, which in turn releases endorphins that relieve stress and give you that runner’s (or, in this case, dancer’s) high. To perform this move, begin in a downward-facing dog pose with your fingers spread on the mat, pushing down and flattening your back as you strive to get your heels flat on the floor. On an inhale, slowly move through a plank pose and arch your back upwards, looking up and back at the ceiling. As you exhale, move through plank back to downward-facing dog. Repeat as many times as you’d like – or until your stress disappears!


Pretzel Twist


Sit flat on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your back long and straight. Cross one leg over the other in a figure-four shape. Take a deep breath, and on your exhale, slowly twist in the opposite direction, pressing the opposite arm gently into your knee. Try not to force the twist. Simply breathe into it until you feel a stretch! Repeat on the opposite side.


Pigeon Pose


The pigeon pose, inspired by yoga, is an amazing stretch for tight hips! (A common complaint after long days spent sitting in class or the library.) Begin in a downward-facing dog. Carefully lift and extend one leg long behind you. Inhale, and on your exhale, draw your knee forward and gently sit onto your bent leg, with the ankle of your bent leg drawing close to your opposite hip. You can then fold over your bent leg, come down onto your forearms or even arch back like the model in this GIF. Repeat on the opposite side to relieve tight hips and stretch those legs out long!


Child’s Pose

childs pose

For a restful grand finale to our Stress-Less Stretches routine, sit back on your ankles and extend your arms long in front of you. (They can be straight or bent, as you see in the GIF above.) Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, press your hands into the ground and push your hips back so that your bottom draws closer to the wall behind you. You can let your bent knees fall gently apart or keep them together as you breathe into this pose. If you have a yoga block at home, you can also rest your forehead on it as you see above – or use a throw pillow for a comfy DIY solution!


Thank you for reading! What’s your favorite way to de-stress after midterms? Let us know in the comments below!

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