BUDT Gives Back



Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. From the photo collection of Kelly Mar

It’s hard to believe that the BU Dance team is only one month into the season. Between auditions, practices, new choreography, and team bonding, it has been –as it always is –a busy first couple weeks for the team. However that doesn’t keep the girls from remembering what’s important.

BUDT teams up with BU Band at the Heart Walk. From the photo collection of Kelly Mar

The team annually participates in a variety of humanitarian events, and this year is no different. The team participated in two great causes so far including the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk, and The American Cancer Society’s Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.

At both events the team made great use of their spirit by cheering on the walkers. The team encouraged the walkers to finish that six-mile trek in the rain while also congratulating the attendees on their commitment to a great cause and the differences they have made.

Participation in these events is important to the team who can definitely relate to the importance of community enthusiasm and working towards a goal. The team appreciates the opportunity to help raise awareness for two great organizations.  The twenty student-athletes are anxiously awaiting their next volunteer opportunity, the Holiday Reading. Stay tuned for details!

As tradition, BUDT does a quick sideline celly at Making Strides. From the photo collection of Alyssa Marion



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