BUDT Brings in the New Year!

BUDT comes back during their winter break to perform at a Terriers Basketball Game. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

BUDT comes back during their winter break to perform at a Terriers Basketball Game. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

For most people, the winter season is a season of survival. Survive the holidays, survive the snow, survive finals…this was definitely the case for the BUDT. These past couple weeks have been some of the busiest and physically taxing weeks of the girls’ lives, but it’s 2014, a new semester has begun…I think it’s safe to say that the team has made it through successful, stronger, and ready for the next challenge (cough, cough, NATIONALS).

Jacklyn volunteers to read to children in Boston schools. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

Jacklyn volunteers to read to children in Boston schools. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

The team started off their holiday season by doing something they love as much dancing– giving back. The team volunteered their time to read to children at local Boston schools during the annual Holiday Reading. This is something the team does every year with a bunch of other BU Athletic teams, and it continues to be one of the team’s favorite community service activities. The best study break from finals EVER.

Next on the agenda for the girls: well deserved holiday time. But even when the school is closed the girls still stay dedicated to BU spirit. Along with the Bu Cheer team and the BU Pep Band, the Dance team girls find their way back to BU to dance at any home basketball games that happen to land during their winter break. There really is never any break for a BUDT dancer. Coming back for the spring semester after not dancing for a few weeks would be unthinkable. So if the girls must keep dancing, they might as

Sam and Mackenzie do a little Holiday Reading. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

Sam and Mackenzie do a little Holiday Reading. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

well do it for a crowd and to support the BU Basketball teams. Especially, if most of the games are now being played at Agganis Arena!!!

The team loves to dance at a place that can house a lot of fans and feed them a lot of energy for performances…even if, it means more opportunities for one of the best/worst fundraisers the team does each year. The infamous Agganis Clean-up and the BUDT have an incredible love-hate relationship. The team spends as long as it takes after events, sometimes after performing at a basketball game, to clean the arena row by row. Yes, the girls have to pick up every kernel of popcorn, and mop up every last drop of beer…so why do it? It is crucial for covering the team’s expenses at Nationals! Plus…it’s a great bonding experience.

The Agganis Cleanup was the perfect ending to the team’s first game back on campus, and the perfect beginning to

The girls make the best of their first Agganis Cleanup of the season. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion.

The girls make the best of their first Agganis Cleanup of the season. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion.

what the team refers to as “Boot Camp.” Although the girls kept up with their dancing and fitness in their own ways during the break, there’s just nothing like the cardio of a national’s routine. To whip the girls back into shape, and to learn the routine they hope will score high in Daytona, the girls come back a week early, for a full week of practice and games. These girls committed up to nine hours a day of hard core dance and choreography and came out with an awesome new team routine, a cleaned hip hop routine, and a whole lot of burnt calories, and empty Advil bottles. Ask any member of the team, the girls were pushed to their limits, and then pushed further. But no member can deny how useful the week was. A routine that is usually learned over a period of months, was finished in just a few days. The team got a jump start on all the work they have to do before boarding that plane to Daytona for Nationals. The girls can’t wait to show off what they learned, but they have a long way to go. The best way to catch a glimpse of the routine is to come to the Men’s and Women’s basketball games! We hope to see you there!

Till then, enjoy all the selfies that the team took after the completion of each long day of practice. With special appearances by coaches Kaitlyn and Liz, and choreographers Mariah and Allie!


Day 1

Day 1, Morale is high.

Day 2

Day 2

Day 3

Day 3, Go Terriers

Day 4

Day 4, Extreme Pom

Day 5

Day 5, Sexy Jazz

Day 6

Day 6, Exhausted




One Comment

Kdl posted on February 20, 2014 at 2:29 am

Congrats BUDT
I’m a Hebrew Person Living in Israel, and appreciate your efforts and passion towards dance. I also have keen interest in dancing.
Dance is a never ending art that have capability to best express your moments of joy, success, sorrow and many more through its crisp and depicting dance forms. Your dance steps and dance form in which you like to perform is the mirror of your nature and taste towards world. so keep dancing.

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