Recognizing our BUDT Seniors

From the Photo Collection of Kelly Mar

From the Photo Collection of Kelly Mar

It’s that time of the year again…although the seniors refuse to admit it, they have officially danced at their senior game. At the last Women’s Basketball regular season game, the team took the time to show their appreciation for their seniors. The underclassmen made giant cards complete with team photos and personal messages from each of the members, that doubled very nicely as fantastic wall decor and fabulous 24-7 pick-me-ups. Each senior brings leadership, encouragement and love to the team at every dance team event, and they will truly be missed.

Get to meet our seniors:

Kelly Mar

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

This is Kelly’s fourth year with the BU Dance Team, and her first as a captain. She will be graduating in May with a Bachelors in Occupational Therapy from Sargent College. Upon graduation, Kelly will be attending Boston University for an additional year to finish up a 5-year Bachelor/Masters degree program in Occupational Therapy. After another year of fieldwork and studying for the boards exam, Kelly hopes to be a licensed Occupational Therapist in 2016! While she can see herself working on the East Coast, she hopes to eventually move back home to Southern California to be with her family.

“What I love most about being a member of the Boston University Dance Team is the meaning it has given to the word ‘team.’ Despite the exhaustion, stress, and pain endured from 20-hour practice weeks, every girl will show up and give their absolute best effort as if it is hour 1. There’s no better explanation behind this work ethic besides the fact that each teammate does it for one another. We’re taught passion, strength, fight, pride, humility, and most importantly – how to be selfless. By far, the best part about BUDT is achieving greatness because we fight with the fear of failing each other, not the judges. Thanks to my teammates and coaches, the past 4 years on this team have been the most amazing growing experience, and I will forever identify myself as part of the BUDT-family.”

Michaela Main

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

This is Michaela’s fourth year with the BU Dance Team, after being captain her junior year. She will graduate in May with a Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training from Sargent College. After graduation, Michaela will be taking her Board of Certification exam for Athletic Training this summer. Afterwards she plans to work as an Athletic Trainer while continuing to work towards her Doctor of Physical Therapy at BU for the next two years.

“I’m going to miss every single thing about this team, but most of all I will miss the season long journey the team takes each year. I love working hard at each practice and game, starting at camp in August and not stopping until we perform our dance at finals. I love how this team improves a little each day, knowing that your teammate is fighting by your side, and then finally seeing everything come together on a national stage. It is an unbelievably overwhelming feeling of accomplishment to perform and compete a routine that once seemed impossible, with the team that you’ve been through it all with. Its a feeling I will cherish forever.”

Alyssa Marion

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

This is Alyssa’s third year with the BU Dance Team, and her first year as captain. She will be graduating in May with a Bachelor’s in Economics and a Minor in Spanish. Alyssa would love to pursue a master’s degree in Advertising or Marketing, and is currently waiting to hear back from graduate schools (one of them being BU!) where she will achieve this. If she does not end up going to grad school next year, she would love to either stay in Boston or experience a new city like Chicago or DC.

“Best thing about BUDT. That’s a loaded question, but after thinking about it for a while, I think my favorite part about BUDT is watching with my own eyes the growth and success of every individual teammate. It is absolutely incredible to see someone struggle with a skill at the beginning of one year and end up mastering that same skill the very next year. I’ve seen it with myself and it is just the most satisfying feeling to see someone else go through that journey as well. BUDT has made me a very goal-oriented person, and the feeling of success after reaching another goal or milestone is unmatched. I love the feeling I get when I am pushing through a section or the nationals dance, and even though it gets harder and I can tell that my energy is dropping, something inside of me digs deep. I can feel my teammates around me and feel their energy, and suddenly, I get this second wind that I didn’t even know I had in me. I’m able to push through the rest of the dance. It’s an unbelievable power that radiates throughout the team as we dance and whether or not my teammates know it, knowing that they are relying on me to not give up is what pushes me through the rest of the dance. I want to be better, I never want to let my team down because I feel like if I just push a little further then miraculous things can happen and this team has proved that we are fighters and fight together.”

…and “fake senior” Skuzi

From the Photo Collection of Jillian Skuza

From the Photo Collection of Jillian Skuza

This is Skuzi’s third year with the BU Dance Team. She will graduate in May after three years with a Bachelor’s in Public Relations and a Concentration in Psychology. Upon graduation Skuzi hopes to complete an internship at a public relations firm over the summer, and if it feels right, stay on full time. She is currently waiting to hear back from two different firms whether she has been accepted to their summer programs. Skuzi will also be returning to her home on Long Island for a highly-anticipated reunion with her family, and to work as a hip hop teacher at her childhood dance school.

“I get chills when I think about what the best part of BUDT is, because answering this question fills me with a range of emotions. A part of me feels a rush of happiness as I remember all that I have accomplished, the amazing people I have met, the memories I have made, and the incredible leaps we have made as a team, a family, and a program. The other part of me feels like with every word I am admitting that, against my will, this journey is ending. But after the goosebumps pass, I feel that I can say that the best part of BUDT is far more than my growth as a dancer, but my growth as a person. When I came to this school, I had bad luck with roommates, I had low self-esteem, I felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere and I clearly wasn’t the best dancer. BUDT was like the push I needed to pull me out of my slump, to see what college and life was really about, to inspire me to do great things, and to mature as a person. They say all it takes is one helping hand to turn things around. This team took a chance on me, and I was blessed to have 13 hands, then eight more, and then another five. 26 hands to hold, shoulders to cry on, and people to learn from. I learned that it takes the love of a team to help you love yourself. It’s the most important lesson I have learned during my quick three years in school, and it’s for that reason that I will carry my team members, and the memories we have made together with me always.”

From the Photo Collection of Erin Dixon.

From the Photo Collection of Erin Dixon.

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