Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Years

Happy New Years everyone! I know that many people plan to lead healthier lifestyles with the new year. Remember to be wary of fad diets. Evaluate the strategies for being healthy that work for you. What have you done well in the past year? What would you like to improve? There is no need to start from scratch– we all can draw from our experiences. Here are some tips that I am sure that you have read many times before, but that I would like you to read again. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, with a well rounded menu that includes starch, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and calcium. Exercise and be sure to stretch and keep hydrated with plenty of water. Remember that health is not limited to physical health, but emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. Keep the crippling stress at bay, remember your inner strength, find good people that you can trust, and love your body and yourself!


Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots, run by the U.S. Marines, collects toys for children in need. Boston University Club Sports recently participated in the program by holding a competition to encourage clubs to donate toys. Synchronized Swimming came in second place in the competition. More importantly, however, is that we helped to make a difference in our community.



As we book our flight tickets for Nationals, we are also coming up with more and more fundraiser ideas. Exciting! This weekend we will be timing at the masters swim meet hosted at Boston University. We have been anticipating this meet for a few months now, and are happy to be able to work to earn our fundraising money. That said, we still appreciate donations and all other forms of support! Please consider buying a magazine from us. See the "Magazine Fundraiser" post. Thank you!


Sunday’s NESSA Figure Meet

We had our first meet this past Sunday: the NESSA figure meet. 9 swimmers competed: 7 in D figures and 2 in C figures. Everyone did extremely well. Now we are preparing for our home meet, Jan. 28-29. We will be hosting some of the best collegiate teams in the country! Feel free to watch us.


Magazine Fundraiser

Hello Friends and Family!

We’re raising funds to take the Boston University Synchronized Swimming Team to U.S. Nationals in Gainesville, Florida and we need your help! We need to pay for meet, travel, and hotel fees.

You can purchase or renew subscriptions to your favorite magazines (like People, TIME, and Sports Illustrated) at up to 85% off, or enjoy exclusive offers on cookie dough and eCertificates.

Each time you make a purchase, we’ll receive up to 40%. You can also support us by sharing this page and spreading the word to friends and family.

Our goal is to raise $800 through this site by the end of our season in March. This will be enough to cover meet registration fees for thirteen swimmers!

For contact information, photos, and updates on our season, please check out our facebook page at:

Thank You!

Emily Polson, Vice President

Follow this link to buy a magazine from us or to support us in another way: