Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Myths of Wind Turbine Syndromes

Although wind turbines are unarguably much more environmental friendly than diesel fuel or natural gas, why isn’t the entire American costal shores cramped with this seemingly harmless and profitable source of renewable energy? Surely the cost of constructing this intricate and gigantic piece of machinery plays a major role in this setback. Even though this […]

To what extent can we deem wind turbines harmful to human health?

There has been much agitation about climate change and the immediate need to revert our growing use and rapid depletion of natural resources. In effect, wind power has become the ‘supposedly free, renewable and carbon-friendly’ solution to help alleviate global warming, but what goes unnoticed are the potential risks associated with the use of wind […]

Wind Turbines: Not the Worst Thing Ever, Actually Pretty Cool

Richard Poirier Professor Grace EK 132 November 28 2012 Wind Turbines: Not the Worst Thing Ever, Actually Pretty Cool People complain about everything, literally. Wind turbines, and specifically the noise they generate, are no exception to the rule. Some people have legitimate qualms with the fast growing, renewable energy source that is wind, but for […]


With the conclusion of the 2012 Presidential Election, there are many parts of the American society that need addressing. Looking back at the major talking points of this election, the issues of Energy and Clean Energy Production were among the most important. With Obama securing his reelection a pertinent question is begging to be asked: […]

Healthy for the Planet, Unhealthy for its People?

By: Jeffrey Zurita Wind-Turbines have been sprouting up all over the world in an attempt to become less dependent on methods that contribute to Global Warming and the greenhouse effect. Yet, the adverse health effects that a wind turbine may have on the people located near it greatly outweigh our need to install this renewable […]

Wind Farms & Health Impact

EK 132 Wind Energy Professor Grace Marta Mota   Wind Farms & Health Impact Although more people are turning to wind turbines as a source of renewable and green energy, many concerns about the health of the people who live close to wind farms have been brought up. Wind turbines emit noise, impacting the health […]

How Many Birds Do Turbines Really Kill?

Hate Windows, Not Wind Turbines Windows kill over one hundred million birds each year in the United States alone, that’s over ninety nine million nine hundred and eighty thousand more than wind turbines, yet you don’t see people protesting the use of windows.1 In fact, a study conducted by the AWEA in 2006 concluded that […]

Wind Energy: Why Bother?

Finding the most reliable, efficient source of energy is quite possibly the most important challenge that we face today.  Currently, fossil fuels such as oil, gas, and coal dominate the energy market.  Why is this?  Simply put, they’re cheaper.  If history has taught us one thing, it’s that newer technology is always more expensive.8 However, […]

Wind Turbine Syndrome

Do wind turbines have any negative effects on human health? This is a subject that has been debated and so far, the results have been split. There have been many reports about how people living near wind turbines have been getting sick because of it. However, there have been some that argue that maybe many […]

Why is the United States not Considered a Global Wind Energy Forerunner?

  Many countries and people around the world give America a bad rap when it comes to renewable energy. The according to the German Wind Energy Association, the EU, a group of 26 countries, produces 100GW of power from wind energy; America, a single country, produces 50GW of wind energy annually (Energy Report). Why then […]