By elissam
Late start this morning- we didn’t get back to Lucho’s untill almost 11:00- traffic was almost at a standstill due to a taxi strike.
We went to lunch with Wilo at a seafood place close to Lucho’s house, and then on to La Catolica for our meeting with GROUPO. GROUPO is a nonprofit group focused on appropriate rural technology. They had several interesting designs for water pumps, and wind turbines made from various recycled materials, as well as initiatives to provide homes with residual heating and improved kitchens. Hopefully, we will be replicating some of their improved kitchens in Chirimoto, and are hoping to have a few members of GROUPO come with us on a future trip.
By elissam
Lucho's brother Jorge gave a design presentation on his long-term large-scale plans to bring hydroelectric power into Chirimoto. The progect involves diverting about half of the Shocol river into a large canal and tunnel on the other side of the valley from the rivers original course, and exploiting the elevation drop between Chirimoto and the neighboring town downstream.
After the presentation, we went to several of the artisan markets in Lima, and walked around the old city.
By elissam
The first full day of our assessment trip. We all flew into Lima over the last 2 days, and met up today at Lucho's family's house. For lunch we went out to the club Rodriguez de Mendoza with Lucho and his son Rodrigo. Lucho introduced us to most of the people at the club- he seems to be related to or know most of everyone there.
We took a taxi along the coast to the ocean, and then up the ridge to Miraflores. From there we walked to Barranco and spent a couple hors there getting dinner and walking around before continuing on to Nancy's house, where Richard, Charlie, and I would be staying for the next couple of days. The rest of the group is staying at Lucho's.
By Paolo Belfiore
The world needs a paradigm shift in how things are made and how frequently things are consumed. In a consumerist society like ours and many more in the western world we must step up for ourselves and spread this message.
Cynicism can only delay the time it takes one to realize the problem and will lengthen one's exposure to harmful, avoidable, yet ignored discharge created by the same products one buys.
You can find much more at
Here's the link to the video: