
You are currently browsing the Engineers Without Borders at Boston University blog archives for the day Tuesday, June 30th, 2009.



Day 3

By elissam

Late start this morning- we didn’t get back to Lucho’s untill almost 11:00- traffic was almost at a standstill due to a taxi strike. 

We went to lunch with Wilo at a seafood place close to Lucho’s house, and then on to La Catolica for our meeting with GROUPO. GROUPO is a nonprofit group focused on appropriate rural technology. They had several interesting designs for water pumps, and wind turbines made from various recycled materials, as well as initiatives to provide homes with residual heating and improved kitchens. Hopefully, we will be replicating some of their improved kitchens in Chirimoto, and are hoping to have a few members of GROUPO come with us on a future trip.