Archive for April 13th, 2010

Vital Vitae

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Because so much of professional advancement hinges on the academic biography, for my first post,  I’d like to focus on what makes for a strong CV. This serves a secondary purpose of introducing myself.

Curriculum vitae translates to “course of life” and should provide a snapshot of the accomplishments over your professional life. Like a good biography, it should be told chronologically but without too much emphasis on dates. On my CV, I group my activities by importance so that publications appear on the first page and service last.

CVs can be any length and typically grow as a career advances. Resumes, on the other present a one-page snapshot. They should display more visual flair than CVs, including bullet points, bold text, and action verbs. When I transitioned from traditional faculty to administrator, I converted my CV into a more succinct resume.

For more examples, I recommend the CV Doctor on the career site of the Chronicle of Higher Education.