Archive for June 1st, 2010

Safer Intersection

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

When I first applied for a position at BU, I had to visit the Human Resources office. HR at the medical campus is located in the Crosstown Building at the corner of Mass Ave. and Albany St. It’s a busy, dizzying intersection with cars coming off the interstate, others turning to the hospital, and buses ferrying passengers to the subway.

In the lobby of the Crosstown Building is a photograph of the intersection mounted on poster board. A sign asks viewers to mark with a push pin the most dangerous part of the intersection for pedestrians to cross. The board is riddled with pins.

So, it’s good news that BUMC faculty and students successfully negotiated with city officials to protect pedestrian crossings at the lights. It took persistence, pique, and creativity (at one point the advocates wrapped their heads in bubble wrap), but it shows how effective a small group with an important cause can be.