Archive for September 24th, 2010


Friday, September 24th, 2010

The Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching holds weekly workshops on topics related to education. Some of their topics for the fall include tips for engaging students, working with multicultural learners, and adapting clicker technology to the classroom. They meet Wednesdays at noon on the Charles River Campus. With the shuttle service, it’s easy to get back and forth.

Closer to home, the School of Public Health offers practicum workshops throughout the year. Some are focused on job hunting skills for their master’s students, but others–how to convey scientific knowledge to the public, how to create a research poster–are relevant for faculty as well.

Human Resources runs a regular training program as well. Their workshops tend to focus on issues around hiring and managing, but also include more general professional skills like time management, motivation, and even grammar. They alternate sessions between the Charles River and the Medical Campus.

The Office of Medical Education in the School of Medicine will be hosting two workshops this fall. Both have to do with clinical teaching.

Finally, the Department of Medicine offers its own faculty development series. Our next session will be on Monday, September 27 at noon in the Wilkins Board Room. Angela Jackson, MD and Rachel Stark, MD will address “Effective Techniques for Engaging the Reluctant Learner.”