Archive for October 11th, 2010

Choose Your Own Teaching Adventure

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Several on-line resources exist for dealing with tricky teaching situations. I’ve collected several of them here. Sometimes the tip sheets suffice to guide you through a problem, but other times, they can be too general.

I learned about a new website from Carnegie Mellon’s Enhancing Education initiative that brings some specificity to on-line teaching advice. The multi-step Solving a Teaching Problem works like a choose-your-own-adventure book. You start by identifying the category of problem you’re facing. Next you identify possible reasons for the problem. Finally, the site provides possible strategies.

For instance, I chose the problem: Students can’t apply the material. As a reason, I selected, they are unable to synthesize knowledge. The site offered several solutions that include “provide stepping stones to complexity” and talking to students about the process of learning. It’s not a prescriptive site, but one that provides a range of options.