Archive for October 19th, 2010

Version Control

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

With documents like CVs that get regularly updated, it can be a challenge to locate the most recent version. This became apparent after a round of grant reviews when some applicants submitted CVs that left off publications. It’s also apparent in my hard drive’s folders, where I have a dozen copies of certain drafts each labeled with a different date at the end.

For tech geeks, there are several options using specialized software that helps tame the proliferation of versions. But for folks who want a simple, elegant solution, I suggest Dropbox.

Once you install this free download on your different computers, it creates a kind of shared drive where you can store files. When you make changes in your CV on one computer and sync in to Dropbox, it automatically overwrites the previous draft and makes the latest version available on all your computers.

Another neat feature is it assigns a URL to your documents, so you can send them easily to collaborators for commenting. It comes with 2GB free storage, then charges for more space. The free amount is more than enough to detangle the mess of CV versions. No matter whether you remember to add that talk or paper on your home or work computer, it’s all harmonized and updated.