Archive for April 5th, 2011

School for Educators

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

The trend in biomedical research is building collaborative teams to tackle interdisciplinary problems. So why not in medical education? At Johns Hopkins, the schools of Education, Business, Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health have joined together to form a master’s program in education for health professionals.

The program will enroll faculty at Johns Hopkins in an 18-credit graduate certificate with the option to continue for a master’s degree. The curriculum consists of:

  • Adult Learning
  • Evidence-Based Teaching
  • Assessment and Feedback
  • Curriculum Development
  • Instructional Strategies

While occasional skill-building seminars are useful, this program recognizes that educators need a solid grounding in the fundamentals of teaching and learning. Ideally, it will also enhance participants’ ability to conduct research on their educational interventions, advancing their chances for promotion.