Archive for September 19th, 2011

Working Mothers

Monday, September 19th, 2011

The magazine Working Mother released its list of the 100 best employers. Although for-profit companies dominated the top rankings, three academic medical centers rated highly. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, and Yale-New Haven Hospital have made family-friendly policies a priority.

Magazine editors looked for several programs that support working mothers:

  • Flex coupons that allow workers to take paid time off in increments
  • The ability to shift start and stop times
  • Compressed workweeks
  • Job sharing
  • On- and off-ramp programs
  • Options for employees to speed or slow their advancement without penalty

Some of the hospitals’ innovations include:

  • subsidized care for elderly relatives
  • on-site daycare
  • benefits for adopting children
  • college counseling for children of employees
  • legal and financial seminars

It’s telling that financial services companies figure highly on the list. Their commitment to flexible work policies should be a model for academic institutions keen on retaining faculty.