I’m on London time after a glorious week’s visit there, visiting old friends and nostalgic settings. I’m often awake at 4 am, thinking about the things I should be doing, but also about the things I really want to do. One thing that I’ve wanted to do was write a blog about our lives with my son’s extremely rare genetic condition.
Ever since Ben was diagnosed with Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (SJS) in 2003, I’ve shared my thoughts and feelings about access to health care, doctor-patient communication, shared decision-making and the ups and downs of family life with anyone who would listen, and often with those who didn’t want to listen. Scholarly and commentary articles have been published in peer-review journals, essays have been published in disability awareness magazines and local newspapers, and a hospital-linked blog has been maintained for over five years.
But I’ve come to a new page in my parenting, and it is in this blog that I’ll express these new thoughts. I’ll talk about traveling with Ben’s wheelchair, walker and medical supplies; I’ll describe what it’s like to listen to patients’ stories about their feelings of stigma when I know all too well what they are experiencing, yet I need to keep an objective distance; and I’ll mention the random acts of kindness that keep me and our family going on a daily basis.
I hope that this blog will be helpful for the one or two families who have children with SJS who contact me every year to find out what I know about the condition–because, really, let’s face it, when 86 people in the world have this condition, not much is known. I also hope that this blog will reach the wider community of those with mobility and medical challenges who know that every outing has to be researched and examined in advance–spontaneity is not often the rule. And I hope that those without knowledge of these challenges will appreciate how I and others have learned so much from Ben and how he has braved every situation he has faced with more courage than hundreds of us could muster in a lifetime.
Neena posted on March 4, 2012 at 4:50 pm
I am so proud of you for starting this blog and I look forward to future posts! We are all so amazed by you Rani and of course, if goes without saying, amazed too by Ben!
Much love,
Sue Pratt posted on March 4, 2012 at 9:41 pm
I am incredibly proud of you and your family. It is so awesome that you are doing this so others can learn from your experiences…those who have disabilities and those who do not.
I cannot wait to read more.
Love always,
Heather posted on March 4, 2012 at 9:43 pm
Wow, what a wonderful labour of love this is. I am in awe of you once again. You are amazing … Ben is amazing … you all are amazing. By choosing to share experiences (good and hard), knowledge, encouragement and even the humourous, you are helping us all … and so many who may not know you personally yet. How remarkable to choose to dwell on the good in your challenging journey. Thanks for making the world a better and brighter place … and for fighting and working for things that are worth it. I shall look forward to future posts. With love, Heather (for us all)
Annie posted on March 5, 2012 at 6:40 am
I had no idea that only 86 people in the world have this genetic condition. I look forward to reading future writings.
Stefan Nathanson posted on March 5, 2012 at 11:52 am
Rani – what a great blog – so great to see Ben in London!!!! Give my best to everyone! Stef
Laura posted on March 5, 2012 at 10:27 pm
Love the new blog – so 2012 of you! Love the intention too – very proud!
prateep ghose posted on March 6, 2012 at 12:31 am
Dear Rani,
What a wonderful approach you started with this blog. Not only are you sharing with us your thoughts and your feelings, but you are also making us look deeply within ourselves and helping us to move forward to areas we would not have gone by ourselves. I am going to make it a routine to look at your blog every day. Thank you for doing this.
Melissa posted on March 6, 2012 at 3:09 am
Looking forward to following your blog! XO
Sook posted on March 8, 2012 at 2:01 am
Rani, you are a true inspiration. Not only are you an amazing writer, you are an amazing mom. I saw Corby tonight and were talking about what an incredible person you are. Were your ears burning??? 🙂 Can’t wait to read more.
xx, Sook
AprilMay posted on March 11, 2012 at 12:55 am
Rani and Ben,
First of all I want to thank you for this blog. I can’t imagine how lonely it must be for children like ours to cope with having such a rare disorder. Thank you for reaching out to Tyler and I and introducing us to this blog. You are amazing and the challenges you face with such grace and bravery are nothing short of amazing. Thank you again and I look forward to following you and Ben’s progress and travels. I didn’t know the number of people diagnosed with swartz-jampel syndrome. You have made it easier to follow another family coping with this disorder. It doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
Rani Elwy posted on March 17, 2012 at 10:52 am
I’m so glad we can connect this way! I look forward to hearing more about you and Tyler.
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