Monthly Archives: June 2014

Prepping the Staff

Our Student Life staffs have been eagerly preparing for the arrival of BUTI students this coming Sunday, June 15th! The past two weeks have included training in team building, communication skills, first aid, and community building.

Resident Assistants (RAs) and Management staff traveled to a ropes course in Becket, MA to work on trust, communication, troubleshooting, problem solving, and teamwork.

Office Manager Stephen D’Amico and Community Programming Manager Kyle Lanning learn when to pull each other along and when is best to divide and conquer during this low-ropes balancing act.
Resident Assistant Mackenzie Newell receives advice and encouragement from her fellow RA’s as she tackles a high ropes challenge.
Resident Assistant Mackenzie Newell receives advice and encouragement from her fellow RA’s as she tackles a high ropes challenge.

Teamwork and effective communication were the main focal points of the day; and we emerged a stronger group. We are excited to have such a strong and supportive team to encourage students this summer at BUTI!

Every member of BUTI’s Student Life staff is now First Aid and CPR/AED certified. While we hope to never use these newly acquired skills, parents and students alike can find comfort in the fact that someone will always be on hand to help them.

First Aid:Bandage

Our Student Life, Health Services, Security, Dining, and Facilities staffs are all ready for a healthy and inspiring summer of music making at BUTI!

Please check in throughout the summer- our job is to keep you up to date on what is happening here at BUTI. Thank you for reading the BUTI Blog!