Monthly Archives: October 2012

Who needs wings when you have ribs mmmmmmm

Sorry no, this blog post isn’t about buffalo wings or barbecue ribs. It does involve flying though. But wait! Okay, maybe wings have to do with flying, that’s for sure but what do ribs have to do with flight?

Flying Snakes, Oh My!

Some people are scared of lions, tigers, and bears (oh my). Not me. For me its lions, tigers… what the… FLYING SNAKES!?!? Yes, “flying” snakes. They may not be as big as lions, tigers or bears, but at 2 to 4 feet the carnivorous buggers definitely catch a wondering soul in the forested regions of […]

Flies: The New Psychics?

We’ve all had the pleasure of having a fly zoom all around our house, and waiting for it to land to hit it, just for it to take off and seemingly know your newspaper or swatter was coming. We often think that we were just too slow for the flies and then we try swatting […]

Nature vs Nurture: How do baby birds learn how to fly?

As humans, it is inevitable to believe that we are born into this world with an instinct; an unknown conscious which is the means to our development. Without this instinct, many of the activities we take for granted would be a prioritized thought (i.e. breathing, sleeping, and walking). If humans were not born into this […]

The Amphibious Bird

Atlantic Puffins truly are remarkable birds. Puffins can swim underwater and fly in the air. They have evolved their high speed wings and their rudder like webbed feet enabling them to swim efficiently underwater, where they catch small fish including herring and sand eel. They can dive to a depth of 200 ft and can […]

The BATtle of flight

With the help of Hollywood, bats throughout the years have given the wrong impression to the general public. Portrayed as blood suckers that only mean to harm people,  these amazing creatures in actuality are vital and essential to protecting our ecosystems. With bats being one of the bug exterminators of the animal kingdom and with […]

Obstacle avoidance in flying robots

Researchers at Harvard and MIT have been hard at work trying to understand the mechanics of in flight collision avoidance in birds. the goal of this project is to develop small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that can navigate a forest or urban setting without crashing into trees or buildings, while still being able to fly relatively […]

Owl: Silent and Swift

Bats aren’t the only aerial predator of night. Owls with their stealth abilities and quick moves dominate the night. Owls are known as the most silent flying animal. How do owls approach their prey so fast without being noticed? Can we take their solution of silence and apply it to our aircraft?

The terror of prehistoric skies may have not been able to fly?

The Quetzalcoatlus, named after the frightening Aztec God, was a ptrodactyloid dinosaur known for being the largest creature to ever take flight. With an astonishing wingspan of 40 feet and a weight of 400 pounds, these species must have been incredibly feared as they soared through the skies in search of food. Right? Well, maybe […]

The Galapagos Islands: A Perfect Example Of Why Nature Should Be Preserved

The Galapagos Islands, a group of islands in the South Pacific off the coast of South America, became infamous in 1859 because of the industrious work of Charles Darwin, a naturalist. Darwin’s research came under extreme scrutiny because his book, On the Origin of Species, claimed that evolution occurred, arguing against the common held beliefs […]