Tues Feb 28th Audio Notes

First, we thank Dan F show showing us his latest house music creation, and look forward to more.
FOLEY – a quick link to that sound effect man from “Police Academy.”

MORE IMPORTANTLY we listened to Dr. A’s musical composition.

We’ll review your written projects shortly, and start recording soon there after.

Mr. C

Audio Production Class Notes

Today, we begin work on looking at foley artists, and a project for a drama class creating sound scapes. This particular video shows all of the creativity and hard work
that goes into making something seem transparent.

Technology Mission Statement

It took over a year to process and get buy in...and now it is going into the student handbook.

Boston University Academy Technology Mission Statement

The mission of the Boston University Technology Department is to educate students, faculty and staff to effectively use technology in the support of teaching and learning. Upon graduating from the Academy, students will be able to use modern technological tools to research, synthesize, and communicate information and ideas creatively and precisely.

NAIS Principles of Good Practice

NAIS - really a great organization. I've been looking hard at technology as it relates to our curriculum, and these pages help inform my direction....


Another terrific All School Meeting (ASM)

I've come to understand the intellectual joy  in attending these all school meetings at BUA. Today's was by Professor Sam Kaufman from COM...http://www.bu.edu/com/about/faculty/sam_kauffmann.shtml. Very hard way to start the day, but the exposure of our students to this thinking and creativity makes everything worth it. I especially enjoyed his comments about documentary film making, in that a documenaty is not fact but a selection of powerful facts that are meant to instill action (social in this case) about a topic. To hear the voices of children with AIDS is very powerful.

Creativity and Literacy

Creativity as important as literacy in this world we are preparing our children for...


Such a great talk

VCR tapes and more…

Thursday ASM run around. Amazing, even after checking with the ops team at GSU the VCR does not work. Professor Loman gave an outstanding talk about the history and origins of Seasame Street - great talk. I think what people miss is how much research went into the preparation of the show, and how much writting was involved. In any event to get this working, I had to dig an old VCR out of the storage room and jack it into the projector system...with a wireless mic sitting on top of the one speaker...but it worked. Never take anything for granted, it can always break down. Always have a back up.

Keep your bike tuned at BU Fridays from 1-4pm



Welcome to the new BUA TechBlog.

I'll be posting items of note and other related socio-technologic trivia in this space.


Mr. C