Peter Zazofsky, solo violin; David Hoose, conductor. Photograph: Michael Lutch
On The Road
By the time you read this, I will be in Russia with School of Music director, Robert Dodson and Piano department chair, Boaz Sharon. Among other activities, we will meet with officials from the Moscow Conservatory on possible collaborations between our schools.
Even though I am 4,500 miles away, I am thinking of all of you who helped create a memorable evening at Symphony Hall in honor of Roman Totenberg. Thank you.
According to the Boston Globe, this was the first concert to be webcast from Symphony Hall (see article link below). My wife Marisa, watched it via webcast from Mexico City and a friend watched from Paris.
If you don’t already know of the rich career and life of Roman Totenberg, who continues to inspire us, the Globe article provides fascinating details.