Naloxone Distribution in the Emergency Room

In the past couple of years, we have been working on ways to increase Naloxone distribution in the emergency department – a seemingly perfect match of public health and best clinical care. Project ASSERT is able to distribute rescue kits to patients who are at risk for overdose as well as parts of their social networks through a Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS) funded pilot to get Naloxone and overdose education out in communities across the state. Through collaborative efforts between BMC leadership and the Boston Public Health Commission, BMC has also developed a policy to maximize efforts in getting Naloxone into all patients who have overdose d or at risk for overdose.
Recently, our director Dr. Edward Bernstein presented these efforts as part of a Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and American College of Emergency Physicans  (ACEP) webinar title Naloxone Distribution from the ED for patients at-risk for Opioid Overdose.  You can download the slides below which also include presentations from ONDCP acting director Michael Botticelli University of Washington ED faculty member Dr. Lauren Whiteside and University of Washington researcher Caleb Banta Green, PhD, MPH, MSW.

ACEP_ONDCP Naloxone Distribution Webinar

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