Recognizing our BUDT Seniors

From the Photo Collection of Kelly Mar

From the Photo Collection of Kelly Mar

It’s that time of the year again…although the seniors refuse to admit it, they have officially danced at their senior game. At the last Women’s Basketball regular season game, the team took the time to show their appreciation for their seniors. The underclassmen made giant cards complete with team photos and personal messages from each of the members, that doubled very nicely as fantastic wall decor and fabulous 24-7 pick-me-ups. Each senior brings leadership, encouragement and love to the team at every dance team event, and they will truly be missed.

Get to meet our seniors:

Kelly Mar

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

This is Kelly’s fourth year with the BU Dance Team, and her first as a captain. She will be graduating in May with a Bachelors in Occupational Therapy from Sargent College. Upon graduation, Kelly will be attending Boston University for an additional year to finish up a 5-year Bachelor/Masters degree program in Occupational Therapy. After another year of fieldwork and studying for the boards exam, Kelly hopes to be a licensed Occupational Therapist in 2016! While she can see herself working on the East Coast, she hopes to eventually move back home to Southern California to be with her family.

“What I love most about being a member of the Boston University Dance Team is the meaning it has given to the word ‘team.’ Despite the exhaustion, stress, and pain endured from 20-hour practice weeks, every girl will show up and give their absolute best effort as if it is hour 1. There’s no better explanation behind this work ethic besides the fact that each teammate does it for one another. We’re taught passion, strength, fight, pride, humility, and most importantly – how to be selfless. By far, the best part about BUDT is achieving greatness because we fight with the fear of failing each other, not the judges. Thanks to my teammates and coaches, the past 4 years on this team have been the most amazing growing experience, and I will forever identify myself as part of the BUDT-family.”

Michaela Main

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

This is Michaela’s fourth year with the BU Dance Team, after being captain her junior year. She will graduate in May with a Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training from Sargent College. After graduation, Michaela will be taking her Board of Certification exam for Athletic Training this summer. Afterwards she plans to work as an Athletic Trainer while continuing to work towards her Doctor of Physical Therapy at BU for the next two years.

“I’m going to miss every single thing about this team, but most of all I will miss the season long journey the team takes each year. I love working hard at each practice and game, starting at camp in August and not stopping until we perform our dance at finals. I love how this team improves a little each day, knowing that your teammate is fighting by your side, and then finally seeing everything come together on a national stage. It is an unbelievably overwhelming feeling of accomplishment to perform and compete a routine that once seemed impossible, with the team that you’ve been through it all with. Its a feeling I will cherish forever.”

Alyssa Marion

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

This is Alyssa’s third year with the BU Dance Team, and her first year as captain. She will be graduating in May with a Bachelor’s in Economics and a Minor in Spanish. Alyssa would love to pursue a master’s degree in Advertising or Marketing, and is currently waiting to hear back from graduate schools (one of them being BU!) where she will achieve this. If she does not end up going to grad school next year, she would love to either stay in Boston or experience a new city like Chicago or DC.

“Best thing about BUDT. That’s a loaded question, but after thinking about it for a while, I think my favorite part about BUDT is watching with my own eyes the growth and success of every individual teammate. It is absolutely incredible to see someone struggle with a skill at the beginning of one year and end up mastering that same skill the very next year. I’ve seen it with myself and it is just the most satisfying feeling to see someone else go through that journey as well. BUDT has made me a very goal-oriented person, and the feeling of success after reaching another goal or milestone is unmatched. I love the feeling I get when I am pushing through a section or the nationals dance, and even though it gets harder and I can tell that my energy is dropping, something inside of me digs deep. I can feel my teammates around me and feel their energy, and suddenly, I get this second wind that I didn’t even know I had in me. I’m able to push through the rest of the dance. It’s an unbelievable power that radiates throughout the team as we dance and whether or not my teammates know it, knowing that they are relying on me to not give up is what pushes me through the rest of the dance. I want to be better, I never want to let my team down because I feel like if I just push a little further then miraculous things can happen and this team has proved that we are fighters and fight together.”

…and “fake senior” Skuzi

From the Photo Collection of Jillian Skuza

From the Photo Collection of Jillian Skuza

This is Skuzi’s third year with the BU Dance Team. She will graduate in May after three years with a Bachelor’s in Public Relations and a Concentration in Psychology. Upon graduation Skuzi hopes to complete an internship at a public relations firm over the summer, and if it feels right, stay on full time. She is currently waiting to hear back from two different firms whether she has been accepted to their summer programs. Skuzi will also be returning to her home on Long Island for a highly-anticipated reunion with her family, and to work as a hip hop teacher at her childhood dance school.

“I get chills when I think about what the best part of BUDT is, because answering this question fills me with a range of emotions. A part of me feels a rush of happiness as I remember all that I have accomplished, the amazing people I have met, the memories I have made, and the incredible leaps we have made as a team, a family, and a program. The other part of me feels like with every word I am admitting that, against my will, this journey is ending. But after the goosebumps pass, I feel that I can say that the best part of BUDT is far more than my growth as a dancer, but my growth as a person. When I came to this school, I had bad luck with roommates, I had low self-esteem, I felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere and I clearly wasn’t the best dancer. BUDT was like the push I needed to pull me out of my slump, to see what college and life was really about, to inspire me to do great things, and to mature as a person. They say all it takes is one helping hand to turn things around. This team took a chance on me, and I was blessed to have 13 hands, then eight more, and then another five. 26 hands to hold, shoulders to cry on, and people to learn from. I learned that it takes the love of a team to help you love yourself. It’s the most important lesson I have learned during my quick three years in school, and it’s for that reason that I will carry my team members, and the memories we have made together with me always.”

From the Photo Collection of Erin Dixon.

From the Photo Collection of Erin Dixon.

Competition Season!

From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

It's finally here! Competition season, and although it's not the big one yet, the girls were just as excited for the two local competitions they competed in the last month. The girls love it when they have a chance to compete. Throughout the year the girls perform at a variety of events, but it is rare that the event is all about dance. This year the team had the chance to compete at two of these events: one hosted by Emmanuel College, and the other hosted by Westfield State University.

From the Photo Collection of Andrea Fanikos

From the Photo Collection of Andrea Fanikos

Each performance acted as a dress rehearsal for the girls, where they could perform and hear judges' tips and opinions just in time to make a few improvements before Nationals. Of course, a couple trophies never hurt anyone either... The girls took first place for their hip hop routine in their category at both events, and received a choreography award at Westfield. (Shout out to our hip hop choreographer, Toya!)

Winning and performing are both great, but you can't take the spirit squad without the spirit. The girls loved watching and cheering on the other teams, and of course marveling at everyone's costumes. What can we say? We just love rhinestones.

Check out our hosts the Emmanuel College Dance Team and Westfield State University Dance Team here!

Oh and don't forget to check out our partners in crime: UConn Dance Team!

From the Photo Collection of Andrea Fanikos

From the Photo Collection of Andrea Fanikos

BU Dance and Cheer Team Up With Frederick Middle School


Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Courtesy of Erin Dixon Photography

It has been a community service filled basketball season for the ladies of the BU Spirit Squad, and it has also made the

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Courtesy of Erin Dixon Photography

season full of awesome experiences, smiles, and excitement. At last Wednesday's Women's Basketball Game, the BU Cheer and Dance Teams had the opportunity to teach the Frederick Middle School Cheer Team a half-time extravaganza. The girls learned a mixture of cheer and dance steps and displayed what they learned with the teams out on the court. The performance received cheers from Frederick Middle School students, teachers, BU students, fans and faculty. We'd call it a success!

Check out the video:

BUDT Goes Pink

From the Photo Collection of Erin Dixon

From the Photo Collection of Erin Dixon

BUDT went pink at the annual Woman's Basketball Breast Cancer Awareness game! The girls sported a pink ribbon throughout the game and helped pump up the crowd in hopes of spreading awareness and raising money for Breast Cancer Research.

From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

The team even woke up early to blow up and stuff dozens of pink balloons to hang around campus in hope of drawing a large crowd to the game. It was all for a good cause, and the snow could not hold the girls back from gaining support from the Boston University community.

From the Photo Collection of Kelly Mar

From the Photo Collection of Kelly Mar


It meant early hours, and balloon-tying blisters, but needless to say, the team found a way to make it fun. Forever making school spirit and giving back the team's number one priority.

Missed the game? You can still donate here!

BUDT Brings in the New Year!

BUDT comes back during their winter break to perform at a Terriers Basketball Game. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

BUDT comes back during their winter break to perform at a Terriers Basketball Game. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

For most people, the winter season is a season of survival. Survive the holidays, survive the snow, survive finals...this was definitely the case for the BUDT. These past couple weeks have been some of the busiest and physically taxing weeks of the girls' lives, but it's 2014, a new semester has begun...I think it's safe to say that the team has made it through successful, stronger, and ready for the next challenge (cough, cough, NATIONALS).

Jacklyn volunteers to read to children in Boston schools. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

Jacklyn volunteers to read to children in Boston schools. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

The team started off their holiday season by doing something they love as much dancing-- giving back. The team volunteered their time to read to children at local Boston schools during the annual Holiday Reading. This is something the team does every year with a bunch of other BU Athletic teams, and it continues to be one of the team's favorite community service activities. The best study break from finals EVER.

Next on the agenda for the girls: well deserved holiday time. But even when the school is closed the girls still stay dedicated to BU spirit. Along with the Bu Cheer team and the BU Pep Band, the Dance team girls find their way back to BU to dance at any home basketball games that happen to land during their winter break. There really is never any break for a BUDT dancer. Coming back for the spring semester after not dancing for a few weeks would be unthinkable. So if the girls must keep dancing, they might as

Sam and Mackenzie do a little Holiday Reading. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

Sam and Mackenzie do a little Holiday Reading. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion

well do it for a crowd and to support the BU Basketball teams. Especially, if most of the games are now being played at Agganis Arena!!!

The team loves to dance at a place that can house a lot of fans and feed them a lot of energy for performances...even if, it means more opportunities for one of the best/worst fundraisers the team does each year. The infamous Agganis Clean-up and the BUDT have an incredible love-hate relationship. The team spends as long as it takes after events, sometimes after performing at a basketball game, to clean the arena row by row. Yes, the girls have to pick up every kernel of popcorn, and mop up every last drop of why do it? It is crucial for covering the team's expenses at Nationals!'s a great bonding experience.

The Agganis Cleanup was the perfect ending to the team's first game back on campus, and the perfect beginning to

The girls make the best of their first Agganis Cleanup of the season. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion.

The girls make the best of their first Agganis Cleanup of the season. From the Photo Collection of Alyssa Marion.

what the team refers to as "Boot Camp." Although the girls kept up with their dancing and fitness in their own ways during the break, there's just nothing like the cardio of a national's routine. To whip the girls back into shape, and to learn the routine they hope will score high in Daytona, the girls come back a week early, for a full week of practice and games. These girls committed up to nine hours a day of hard core dance and choreography and came out with an awesome new team routine, a cleaned hip hop routine, and a whole lot of burnt calories, and empty Advil bottles. Ask any member of the team, the girls were pushed to their limits, and then pushed further. But no member can deny how useful the week was. A routine that is usually learned over a period of months, was finished in just a few days. The team got a jump start on all the work they have to do before boarding that plane to Daytona for Nationals. The girls can't wait to show off what they learned, but they have a long way to go. The best way to catch a glimpse of the routine is to come to the Men's and Women's basketball games! We hope to see you there!

Till then, enjoy all the selfies that the team took after the completion of each long day of practice. With special appearances by coaches Kaitlyn and Liz, and choreographers Mariah and Allie!


Day 1

Day 1, Morale is high.

Day 2

Day 2

Day 3

Day 3, Go Terriers

Day 4

Day 4, Extreme Pom

Day 5

Day 5, Sexy Jazz

Day 6

Day 6, Exhausted




Let Basketball Season Begin!

From the Photo Collection of Samantha Nicles

It's been a busy couple weeks for the team as they dance performance after performance at all of the recent basketball games. And there's no better way to start off the season than with a performance at TD Garden! The girls performed three of their routines at the game and received amazing feedback.

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Basketball Season is the Team's favorite and most important time of year. It's the first chance the girl's have to show off all their hard work. Finally the routines the girls have been cleaning and perfecting for the past two months are put to the test on the court. The team never fails to earn cheers from the crowd.

Courtesy of Erin Dixon Photography

Performing at the games is also great practice for the girls. Sometimes a routine can look one way during practice, and then add a crowd and an adrenaline rush, and all of a sudden it's not as clean as it was the night before. The girls use this opportunity to practice using that energy effectively, but not letting it control their movements. Something that will come in handy on the nationals floor!

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Finally, the best part about game performances is of course all the school spirit. The girls love to cheer and dance on the sidelines for the teams. The whole spirit squad including BUDT, BU Cheer, and the BU Pep Band, even perform a time-out performance together.

From the Photo Collection of Samantha Nicles

Wondering when you can catch a BUDT Performance? The team performs at all of the Boston University Men and Women's Home basketball games at Case Gym. Click here for the Men's and Women's Basketball Schedules.


More performances and more routines are in the works, so stay tuned for pictures and videos! Till then, don't forget to check out videos of the team's routines from the TD Garden Game Here!

Courtesy of Sydney Gary Photography

Meet Our New Members

The Boston University Dance Team is so excited to have added six more members to the family! Though the veterans were sad to see their graduates move on, they're so excited to get to know these beautiful freshmen! Each girl has so much talent and offers something new and unique to the team. They're proof of how much this program has grown and how much potential it has to thrive in the years to come. With a crazy start to the season, including no set practice schedule and a big performance early on, the new members have been put to the test-- and of course passed with flying colors.

So without further adieu... our babies!


Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Jess is a freshman at Boston University and a new member of the BU Dance Team. Jess is from Medway, MA and graduated from Medway High School. She studies biology in the College of Arts and Sciences on a pre-med track. Jess decided to continue her dance career after 10 years at Step by Step Studio of Dance in Medway. Her favorite thing about Boston is the integration of all things old and new, such as dining at a modern restaurant along the historic Boston Freedom Trail. She is most looking forward to forming a tight knit group of well-rounded young women who love to dance just as much as she does. She can’t wait to compete at NDA Nationals in Daytona Beach, FL.


Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Sonia comes to Boston from Honolulu, HI, and is a freshman on the BU Dance Team. She graduated from Moanalua High School and is currently enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University studying biochemistry and molecular biology. Her dance background consists of 4 years dancing at 247 Danceforce Hawaii in Honolulu. Sonia loves the different seasons of the Northeast, and she is most looking forward to being a part of the dedicated BUDT family during her time at BU.


Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Rae is a first-year member of the Boston University Dance Team. She is from Braintree, MA and attended Braintree High School. Previous to being part of the BUDT, Rae danced for ten years at a studio and for four years on her high school’s dance team and was captain in her senior year. She is enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and her major is undeclared. Rae’s favorite thing about Boston is the atmosphere. She says it is young, lively, and geared toward college students. This year, she is most looking forward to contributing as a team member and representing Boston University at basketball games and competitions.


Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Sam is a freshman on the Boston University Dance Team. She is from Glen Ridge, New Jersey and attended Glen Ridge High School. Previous to becoming a member of BUDT, Sam danced with the Staten Island dance studio, Dance Dance Dance for fifteen years and competed regionally and nationally for ten years on their competition team, the DK Dancers. She is enrolled in Boston University’s College of Communication and is majoring in Broadcast Journalism. Her favorite part about Boston is that there are endless spots of exploration and that it is easy to get from place to place within the city. Sam is looking forward to getting close with her fellow team members and having an amazingly successful year with them.


Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Mackenzie is a freshman from Avon, Connecticut and attended Avon High School. She is enrolled in the College of General Studies and plans to graduate in 2017. Mackenzie has been dancing since she was three years old and has danced at the Evjen Academy of Performing Arts for the past four years. Her favorite thing about Boston is all the opportunities the city has to offer. Being on the dance team, Mackenzie is looking forward to competing with all the other girls at NDA Nationals this year in Daytona.


Courtesy of Bridget Madden Photography

Jaclyn is a freshman on the Boston University Dance Team. She is from St. Louis, Missouri and attended high school at Incarnate Word Academy. Previous to becoming a member of the BUDT, she danced and competed at a studio for ten years. In addition, Jaclyn was part of her high school’s dance team for four years and was captain in her senior year. Jaclyn is enrolled in the College of Communications and is majoring in Journalism. Her favorite part about Boston is the variety of activities it provides for students. She says it is impossible to be bored in this city. She is most looking forward to getting close to her new teammates and performing together for an audience.

First Performance!

The girls hard at work gaining leg strength at practice! From the photo collection of Kelly Mar

It’s that time of the year again. The time where the BUDT get’s to show their stuff. The team will be performing for the first time as a new team this year at The University of Connecticut’s first annual Spirit Extravaganza.

If you’re in the area, come on out on Saturday October 19th and support the BU dance team as they perform their team dance. The girls have been working on the routine since September, and hope all of their hard work will pay off. Don’t forget to check out the talented ladies from the UCONN Dance Team as well!

Click here for ticket info! See you there!


BUDT Gives Back



Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. From the photo collection of Kelly Mar

It’s hard to believe that the BU Dance team is only one month into the season. Between auditions, practices, new choreography, and team bonding, it has been –as it always is –a busy first couple weeks for the team. However that doesn't keep the girls from remembering what’s important.

BUDT teams up with BU Band at the Heart Walk. From the photo collection of Kelly Mar

The team annually participates in a variety of humanitarian events, and this year is no different. The team participated in two great causes so far including the American Heart Association’s Annual Heart Walk, and The American Cancer Society’s Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.

At both events the team made great use of their spirit by cheering on the walkers. The team encouraged the walkers to finish that six-mile trek in the rain while also congratulating the attendees on their commitment to a great cause and the differences they have made.

Participation in these events is important to the team who can definitely relate to the importance of community enthusiasm and working towards a goal. The team appreciates the opportunity to help raise awareness for two great organizations.  The twenty student-athletes are anxiously awaiting their next volunteer opportunity, the Holiday Reading. Stay tuned for details!

As tradition, BUDT does a quick sideline celly at Making Strides. From the photo collection of Alyssa Marion



Pre-Audition Class & Info Session!

Interested in auditioning for the Boston University Dance Team??

We will be teaching a dance team style routine followed by an info session to answer all of your questions about the team and audition process.
*All levels of experience are encouraged to come! All BU students are welcome*

7-8pm: Free Class
8-9pm: Info Session

Check our event page on Facebook !!
If you have any questions at all feel free to comment or e-mail us at! See you there!