Our experience faciliating the World Climate Exercise!!!! – Interview by Climateinteractive.org

I was recently interviewed by the people at www.climateinteractive.org

Here is a link to the interview!

“Facilitating the World Climate Exercise – Interview – Eduardo Pedro Fracassi”

I must say that it took much time to get the pictures right, my sister Maria Rosa helped with her camera and knowledge. The interview helped me order my thoughts and reflect about what we have done.

We are fairly advanced with a paper we have presented about our experience facilitating more than 17 World Climate Exercises in Argentina and Costa Rica.

We try to have participants enjoy the exercise as much as possible, and sometimes it is difficult to stop them negotiating and begin the debriefing.

Early 2013 we translated the World Climate briefing materials to Spanish so they can be used by all Spanish speakers in the world!

We hope this work helps to build awareness about Climate Change and Global Warming in Latin America and the Spanish speaking international community.











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