
You are currently browsing the Gene Laisne's blog blog archives for the day Tuesday, May 31st, 2011.



PowerShell, Free XBOX and a Core blog.

By Gene Laisne


Great video tutorial (MS 400 level) for PowerShell 2.0. Highlights what’s new, Shows how to create GUIs easlily… Advanced Automation Using Windows PowerShell 2.0

Hey Scripting Guys
Create and Use Default Values in PowerShell Scripts  – 21-May-2011
Design Your PowerShell Functions to Be Reusable  – 20-May-2011
Create Custom Objects in Your PowerShell Script  – 19-May-2011
Real-World PowerShell Tips from a 2011 Scripting Games Winner  – 18-May-2011
Writing Output with PowerShell  – 17-May-2011
Add Excellent Comments to Your PowerShell Script  – 16-May-2011
Use PowerShell to Data Mine Your Outlook Sent Items – 25-May-2011 – As a note, having written some Outlook code myself. This script runs against Outlook, NOT Exchange or even Outlook as a “window” to Exchange. Just Outlook. 😉

Windows Powershell  Website | RSS Feed
Download the Updated Core Help CHM  – 16-May-2011


How to get a free XBOX

Capture and Analyze Network Traffic with Internet Explorer 9


Two Minute Drill–Launch a task on a recorded event – This is a great little way to spawn a task when an event occurs on a Windows Vista (or better) system.

Ask the Core Team – This is the Microsoft Windows Core Team. From a cursory overview, looks like lots of good posts on things core server technologies.

Some of their posts:
Sysprep, SkipRearm, and Image Build Best Practices
Customizing Default users profile using CopyProfile
How To: Customize the Windows 7 Start Menu and Taskbar Using unattend.xml


Office Access  Website | RSS Feed
Power Tip: Managing Access Add-ins with a SurfaceController  – 20-May-2011
Office 2010 SP1 on track for late June  – 17-May-2011

Office Excel and Excel Services  Website | RSS Feed
Avoid losing the state of the global IRibbonUI ribbon object  – 19-May-2011
Make your data pop with conditional formatting  – 17-May-2011

Office Powerpoint  Website | RSS Feed
Create sexy curved lines in your slides (video)  – 18-May-2011
Create rich media-based presentations with Producer (it’s free!)  – 16-May-2011

Office Sustained Engineering  Website | RSS Feed
Announcing Service Pack 1 for Office 2010 and SharePoint 2010  – 16-May-2011

Office Word  Website | RSS Feed
Figuring out figures – Part 1  – 19-May-2011
An image, a diagram, and a chart meet in a document…  – 16-May-2011