GPU@BU workshop

November 8–9, 2011

Boston University

A research symposium and tutorial, with guests from the Boston area and beyond, presenting the latest work using GPU hardware in scientific computing. Please register!

hicThis event is co-sponsored by the Center for Computational Science and the Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering.

It is a follow-up event to the GPU@BU workshop held on November 12–13 ’09, with participants from Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, Brown and also NVIDIA Research, and funding from NSF via award OCI 0946441.

pdf-icon Program in PDF

Research symposium speakers:


  • Lorena Barba
  • Richard Brower
  • Martin Herbordt
  • Claudio Rebbi


An tutorial on CUDA programming for NVIDIA GPUs will be held on November 9, open to all graduate students and postdocs.


Please register!