Several research groups at Boston University are leveraging the power of graphics processors, known as GPUs, for scientific computing. Through this blog, we hope to disseminate the activities of these groups, as well as to share our experiences and successes.
Email list
Boston-area researchers interested in GPUs are invited to join and post announcements to a low-traffic list used only to announce workshops, seminars, preprints, and Boston-area GPU computing news. Please subscribe yourself by sending a message to with the message content:
subscribe gpu
There is also a high-traffic list, gpu-users, for individuals who are actively collaborating on GPU projects using BU’s resources, or who wish to start doing so. Please subscribe by sending a message to with the message content:
subscribe gpu-users
If you subscribe to gpu-users, there is no need to subscribe to gpu, since all messages to the low-traffic list automatically go to the high-traffic list as well.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award #0946441. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.