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Results from the BU Home Tournament

Thanks to the parents, friends, and BU Men’s Water Polo members who came to support the team! BU finished third seed with these scores:

BU vs. Coast Guard: 6-5

BU vs. Dartmouth: 3-11

BU vs. Yale: 9-11 OT

BU vs. Boston College: 1-10

See the detailed play-by-play of each game at:

Next weekend is Championships!

BU Home Tournament April 9-10

Come support BU Women's Water Polo at Fitrec Gym this weekend! Here is the tournament schedule:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

12:20 Boston University vs. U. S. Coast Guard Academy
1:30 Dartmouth College vs. Yale University
2:40 Boston College vs. Williams College
4:00 U. S. Coast Guard Academy vs. Dartmouth College
5:10 Boston College vs. Yale University
6:30 U. S. Coast Guard Academy vs. Williams College
7:40 Boston University vs. Dartmouth College

Sunday, April 10, 2011

12:15 Yale University vs. Williams College
1:20 U. S. Coast Guard Academy vs. Boston College
2:45 Boston University vs. Yale University
3:50 Williams College vs. Dartmouth College
4:55 Boston University vs. Boston College

Alumni Game April 30th

Dear Terriers,

On Saturday, April 30, BU Water Polo would like to invite alumni and family to play in two games against the current water polo teams. After the games, participants will be invited to eat with the team to celebrate the end of the 2010/2011 season.

Annual Boston University Alumni Game
6-9pm Saturday, April 30

Boston University Fitness and Recreation Center
915 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston MA

A minimum donation of $25 is requested. All proceeds will benefit the men's and women's BU teams, and will assist with league dues, transportation costs, and equipment.

We look forward to seeing you in the water!
- BU Water Polo

Results from the Yale tournament last weekend

The lady terriers improved an amazing amount from last year! Here are the scores from last weekend:

BU vs. Dartmouth: 7-8

BU vs. Williams: 9-3

BU vs. BC: 6-9

BU vs. Coast Guard: 8-7

Congratulations to our amazing freshmen on their first league tournament and to all of the players for an amazing performance!

Special thanks to the Biller family for housing our team and thanks to all of the parents and friends who attended our games and showed their support!

Yale Tournament Feb. 25-26

The tournament is at Yale and here is the schedule:


3:10 Boston University vs. Dartmouth College

7:50 Boston University vs. Williams College


7:50 Boston College vs. Boston University

9:50 Boston University vs. U. S. Coast Guard Academy

Come support Boston University Women's Water Polo!